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我别无归依,佛是我的至上归依。The Buddha is my foremost refuge.

我别无归依,法是我的至上归依。The Dhamma is my foremost refuge.

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我别无归依,僧是我的至上归依。The Sangha is my foremost refuge.

他首先是一个逻辑学家。First and foremost he is a logician.

这些势力中首当的是伊朗。Foremost among these forces is Iran.

我是头陀行第一者。I am the foremost in ascetic virtues.

这其中最重要的就是身边的人。The foremost of these is other people.

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贝拉是个一等一的书虫。A. Bella is a first and foremost a bookworm.

但是伊拉克首先是一个阿拉伯国家。But Iraq is first and foremost an Arab state.

宣传是落实政策的第一步。Publicity of the policies is the foremost step.

而玄奘被公认为是其中最卓越的大师。And Xuan Zang was recognized as foremost among them.

我们的资源首先和最重要的是我们的人。Our resources are – first and foremost – our people.

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整整一夜敌人攻打了我们的前沿阵地。The enemy attacked our foremost positions all night.

其中最重要的是根除脊髓灰质炎的运动。Foremost among these is the drive to eradicate polio.

美国站在全世界最重要的捕鲸者的位置。The U. S. stood as the world's foremost whale slayer.

关怀首先是一种强烈的情感或热情。Care is first and foremost a strong feeling or passion.

格哈德·里希特是世界上在世的画家中最重要的。GERHARD RICHTER is the world's foremost living painter.

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他被认为是化学界最高权威。He was regarded as the foremost authority on chemistry.

决定性进攻是从最前沿阵地开始的。The decisive attack took off fromthe foremost position.

在关于你自己这个主题上,你是世界上最权威的专家。You are the world’s foremost expert in the subject of You.