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而你们则是这场游戏中的一个棋子。And you are a chessman in this game.

每一个论坛的版主或管理员都是公司的一枚棋子。Every forum worker and manager is a chessman of company.

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此外,棋子几乎杀死自己尝试西班牙苍蝇!Also, Chessman almost kills himself trying a Spanish Fly!

棋子识别利用了圆统计的识别方法。The means of circle statistic is used in chessman recognition.

在连续的50个回合内,双方既没有棋子被吃掉,也没有兵被移动过。Within consecutive 50 rounds, no chessman of each other has been captured, and no pawn moves.

重复移动棋子,直到所有棋子是黑色相间的棋子和白棋子。Repeat moving chessmen until all chessmen are interphase with black chessman and white chessman.

近段日子我觉得我就像一颗在“生活”这副棋盘里迷失了方向却继续走着的棋子。Recently, I feel myself like a bewildered chessman lying on the life-chessboard and going on to live.

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于是,胶鬲作为周人间谍成为牧野大战中周人制胜的一颗重要棋子的形象愈见鲜明。Therefore, Jiaoge, a spy for Zhou Dynasty, became an important chessman for the victory of Zhou Dynasty in Muye Battle.

象棋是一种完全知识博弈,意思是指参与双方在任何时候都完全清楚每一个棋子是否存在,位于何处。Chess is a kind of Games of Perfect Information, which means that both sides know clearly if every chessman is existed or not and where they are at any time completely.

在已获得两摄像机的内外参数和完成左右图像的特征点匹配的基础上,给出棋子中心空间坐标,然后实现对棋子的识别。At last, on the base of getting the inner and external parameter and finishing character points matching, we could get the central coordinates of chessman and recognize it.

一方面他感到世界是由少数强有力的人物推动的,另一方面他告诉人们克泼沃德也是命运手中的棋子。On the one hand, the author says that "the world only waves forward because of the services of the exceptional individual". But on the other, Couperwood is also a " chessman " of fate.

加西亚2006年曾公开承认,在他和妻子2005年分居期间,与孩子的母亲、经济学家罗克夏娜发生恋情。Garcia admitted his affair with Roxana Cheesman, the boy's mother, an economist, in 2006, saying he had a relationship with Chessman in 2005 while he was briefly separated from his wife.

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这里盛夏气候凉爽,酷热季节从未超出过29℃,一般保持在24℃左右,是我国北方地区保存最完好的待开发的避暑胜地。It is cool in summer, and the temperature has never exceeded 29 ℃, and remained at 24 ℃ around generally. Chessman Hill is the best-preserved and to be developed summer resort in the north of China.