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在危地马拉,我失去了家庭。I lost my family while in Guatemala.

危地马拉市一名妇女在工厂上准备着彩饰陶罐。A woman prepares pinatas at a factory in Guatemala City.

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到现在我还没有什么具体计划-就朝着南边的危地马拉前进吧。No real plan thus far- just keep moving south to Guatemala.

危地马拉和苏里南这两个国家声称没有地雷。Two countries, Guatemala and Surinam, were declared mine-free.

他们在危地马拉和中美洲拥有广大的香蕉大种植园。They owned vast banana plantations in Guatemala and Central America.

在危地马拉,绿咬鹃是自由的象征,也是危地马拉的国鸟。The quetzal is a symbol of freedom and the national bird of Guatemala.

托雷如果当选将成为危地马拉首名女总统。Torre if elected would become the first female president of Guatemala.

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这些是今年早些时候在危地马拉的Sinkhole洞拍的照片。These photos are of a sinkhole that occurred early this year in Guatemala.

生活在危地马拉和墨西哥的现代玛雅人也争相揭穿这一“预言”。Modern Maya in Guatemala and Mexico have also rushed to debunk the "prophesy".

墨西哥下加利福尼亚的部分地区和危地马拉的家庭正在使用该装置。Families in parts of Baja California Sur, Mexico, and in Guatemala are using it.

西加勒比海一小湾,濒临伯利兹,洪都拉斯和危地马拉。An inlet of the western Caribbean Sea bordering on Belize, Honduras, and Guatemala.

它位于危地马拉北部皮腾盆地的考古地区。It is located in the archaeological region of the Petén Basin in northern Guatemala.

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布希星期一将在瓜地马拉城会晤瓜地马拉总统奥斯卡.贝尔赫。Mr. Bush will meet his Guatemalan counterpart, Oscar Berger, Monday in Guatemala City.

而有时候则无比巨大,就像你现在看到的危地马拉的天坑。Othertimes they can be huge like this one you are looking at right now from Guatemala.

6月,危地马拉一个相当于30层楼高的天坑吞噬了一栋三层楼高的建筑。The 30-story-deep sinkhole in Guatemala that swallowed a three-story building in June.

现在她已二十五、六岁了,她刚和父母从危地马拉来美国时才五岁。Now in her mid-20s, she was five years old when she came with her parents from Guatemala.

北与美国接攘,南与中美洲的危地马拉和贝利兹相邻。It is bordered by the United States on the north and by Guatemala and Belize on the south.

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一名护卫员期待5月30日于2010年在危地马拉城的一大陷穴的边缘。A security guard looks at the edge of a massive sinkhole in Guatemala City on May 30, 2010.

他回电科罗姆的秘书长,“我会坐下一趟航班赶到危地马拉。”He called back Colom's chief of staff and said, “I'm catching the next flight to Guatemala.

不可思议的是,如今危地马拉的死亡率甚至比内战大部分时间都高。Incredibly, the death rate in Guatemala is now higher than it was for much of the civil war.