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我开始寻找。I began looking.

这是看坏。It's looking bad.

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最高的有九层,像一个塔。Looking like a tower.

我想看看中服。I'm looking for a top.

一位姓李的同志正在找你。Li is looking for you.

我在找我的钢笔。I'm looking for my pen.

一位姓李的人在找你。A Li is looking for you.

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避免看到美杜莎。Avoid looking at Medusa.

他正在寻购一套单元房。He's looking for a flat.

我正在找钥匙。I'm looking for my keys.

没有,我仍然在找。I'm stil looking for it.

我在找10A的座位。I'm looking for seat 10A.

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就像个快活的人一样?Looking like a happy man?

他为何看上去如此凄伤?Why is he looking so sad?

你看起来气色很不错。??You’re looking very well.

一位姓王的同介词短语志正在找你。A Wang is looking for you.

微微眼睛都看直了。Eyes are looking straight.

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他正在看着某个人。He is looking at some one.

我看着我的晚餐,没什么新花样。I am looking at my dinner.

我正看着他的裤裆呢。I'm looking at his crotch.