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对我来说,购物商场就像是一个麻布袋,我不想被套在里面。The mall was like a burlap bag to me. I didn't want to be in it.

从服装面料看,中国最早使用的纺织品是葛布、苎麻布和大麻布。From the fabric, used first in China Textiles hemp, ramie cloth and large burlap.

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一些观赏植物和其他植物在出售时,根部都埋在麻袋包紧的泥土中。Some ornamentals and other plants are sold with their roots in a ball of dirt held together with burlap.

人们会用粗麻布把一些观赏性植物和其他类型的植物的根包裹在一团土壤中出售。Some ornamentals and other plants are sold with their roots in a ball of dirt, held together with burlap.

我还给我女儿做了一个就只差带子还没缝上了,我又给自己做了一个麻的。I have all but the straps done on another one for her just because. And I made myself this burlap one as well.

“八千麻袋事件”使得明清档案进入公众的视野。一些人开始拯救这些档案。Then the occurrence of the event of eight thousand burlap bags made Mingqing archives into the vision of the public.

要不然,那些繁琐的事会让一些人想到要丢弃所以的财产,在剩下的日子里只穿着粗麻布的衣服生活。Or, it can make some folks think of giving away all their possessions and wearing burlap for the rest of their lives.

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较小的一个镀金嵌木,因为制作考究,就又用了一块麻木包上,以防止潮湿。The smaller one was so ornate with gilt and wood marquetry that it had to be covered again with burlap to save it from the damp.

接下来则让这些易碎的骨头浸泡固定胶,再用粗麻布和石膏稳当地包起来,提供完善的保护。We next soaked the delicate bones with consolidating glues and carefully jacketed them in protective coats of burlap and plaster.

养护混凝土试件的抗压、抗拉强度与湿麻袋复盖养护的相当或略高一些。Both compressive strength and tension strength of test specimens cured with CM-A are equal to or a bit higher than that with wet burlap.

我在食品店里寻找包装上有绿色再循环标志的产品,然后把买的东西放进可以反复使用的麻布袋。I look for products at the grocery store with the green recycling thingy on the package and then place my purchases in reusable burlap bags.

二月的一个寒夜,他看到,在一群赶赴家中的矿工们中,有一位身裹粗麻袋取暖的老人步履蹒跚,穿过工地向他走来。One cold February evening, while he watched the miners trudging 4 home, he spotted5 an old man staggering6 toward him across the fields, wrapped in a burlap 7 sack for warmth.

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本厂产品以PVC圣诞树,光纤树为主的圣诞品系列产品,圣诞饰品包括缎绸、麻布类吊件。Our factory products with PVC Christmas tree, optic fibre tree Christmas product serial product of main fact, the ornaments including satin silk fabric, burlap hang one on Christmas.

叔叔气疯了,把白贼七自被窝里抓起,装进麻袋,用麻绳绑紧袋口,扛到了河边往水里头一扔。Insane with fury, he yanked White Thief Seven from his cozy nest, shoved him into a burlap sack, tied it shut tightly, and carried it to the river bank, where he threw it into the river.

巴厘的绘画别具一格,大都是用胶和矿物颜料画在粗麻布或白帆布上,主题取材于田园风光和人民生活习俗,具有浓郁的地方色彩。Bali painting unique mostly with plastic and mineral pigments painted on burlap or white canvas on the theme drawn from the pastoral scenery and the people's living habits with rich local color.

巴厘的绘画别具一格,大都是用胶和矿物颜料画在粗麻布或白帆布上,主题取材于田园风光和人民生活习俗,具有浓郁的地方色彩。Bali painting unique, mostly with plastic and mineral pigments painted on burlap or white canvas on the theme drawn from the pastoral scenery and the people's living habits, with rich local color.

为了保持这一地区与周围山坡的协调,在施工过程中,他用粗麻布将巨石上的地衣和苔藓包起来,保持其湿润和生长。To preserve the area's unity with the surrounding hillside, during construction Richardson wrapped the lichens and moss coating the boulders in burlap and kept them moist to protect and sustain them.