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六十法郎白扔在河里。Sixty francs in the gulf.

女巫干尸貌狰狞。Witches' mummy maw and gulf.

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海湾战争何时爆发的?When did the Gulf War break out?

它伸出到芬兰湾中。It juts into the Gulf of Finland.

由汤比格比河通航墨西哥湾。By tombigbee Gulf River navigable.

费尔霍普位于墨西哥湾。Fairhope is on the gulf of Mexico.

叶门亚丁湾星际之�…Gulf of Aden Stargate is Opening ?

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美国缅因州海湾的一只好奇的鲨鱼。A curious shark in the Gulf of Maine.

玛金和伯恩斯的深渊和坟墓The gulf and grave of Maginn and Burns

越南发生“东京湾事变”。Gulf of Tonkin incident occurs in Vietnam.

没有任何隔绝,完全的爱不能造桥。No gulf that perfect love will not bridge.

就在泰国湾的芭达雅。It's crazy Pattaya on the Gulf of Thailand.

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沿墨西哥湾的旅游业也随之萎缩。Tourism plummeted along the Gulf of Mexico.

千岛湖补给舰停靠亚丁湾。Supply ship Qiandaohu docks at Gulf of Aden.

海南省的西部是北部湾。To the West of Hainan is the Gulf of Tonkin.

一名杂货商在一个海湾附近建造了一个温室。A grocer built up a greenhouse nearby a gulf.

石油仍然滔滔不绝的流入墨西哥湾。Oil is still gushing into the Gulf of Mexico.

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海湾战争使伊拉克大伤元气。The Gulf War has sapped Iraqi vitality badly.

这一骚动被称为越南东京湾事件。This was known as the Gulf of Tonkin Incident.

班加西利比亚东北的一个城市,位于锡德拉海湾。A city of northeast Libya on the Gulf of Sidra.