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提出了科学、合理的配建停车场供应模式。Have put forward the rational supplying mode of the appertaining parking.

经理拥有居于高职位所具备的职责和特权。The manager has the duties and privileges appertaining to his high office.

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那里还贴着一张名片,上面写着“杰姆斯.狄林汉.杨先生”几个字。Also appertaining thereunto was a card bearing the name “Mr.James Dillingham Young”.

而且,那儿还有一张名片,上写着“詹姆斯·迪林厄姆·杨先生”。Also appertaining thereunto was a card bearing the name "Mr. James Dillingham Young."

而且,那儿还有一张名片,上写着“詹姆斯·迪林厄姆·杨先生”。Also appertaining thereunto was a card bearing the name “Mr. James Dillingham Young.”

那里还贴着一张名片,上面写着“杰姆斯.狄林汉.杨先生”几个字。Also appertaining thereunto was a card bearing the name “Mr. James Dillingham Young”.

土地、附着于土地的建筑物及其他定着物、建筑物的固定附属设备为不动产。Land, appurtenant easements , and the appertaining equipments of other appurtenant and construction shall be real estates.

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无论在海上或在港内,航海日志是有关船舶所有工作情况的记录。The MATE's log is a record of everything appertaining to the working of the ship, whether the vessel is at sea or in port.

有关学生舍监的责任与权利从来没有正式规定过。The duties and privileges appertaining to the post of warden of the students' residence have never been officially stated.

纽兰·阿切尔周五傍晚来到奇弗斯的家,星期六他真心诚意地履行了在海班克度周末的全部礼节。Newland Archer arrived at the Chiverses' on Friday evening, and on Saturday went conscientiously through all the rites appertaining to a week-end at Highbank.