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当然,我有可自由支配的收入。Of course, I have discretionary income.

试将一酌破愁城。Test will be a discretionary break grudge.

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委员会被授予自由处理权。A discretionary power was conferred on the council.

降低货币政策的任意性使之更具规范性。Make monetary policy less discretionary and more rule-like.

这个法规的颁布,犹如给我们配备了上方宝剑。The enactment of this regulation gives us discretionary power.

信贷宽松帮助推动了近几年来非必需支出的增长。Easy lending helped drive discretionary spending in recent years.

国外检察官的不起诉裁量权适用范围相对较广。The application scope of the discretionary non-prosecution power is wide.

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刑事自由裁量权是我国刑事司法改革的一个热点。Criminal discretionary power is a hot issue in the criminal judicial reform.

退休储蓄是你要考虑的头等大事之一,因为你有余钱。Retirement savings is one of the first things to go because it is discretionary.

自由支配性开支的节余将在国内和国防支出中分摊。The discretionary savings are spread between both domestic and defense spending.

同时,他们减少了家居类和其他可有可无的消费项目。At the same time, they're forsaking home furnishings and more discretionary items.

除去纯利润,就是国防开支和非国防开支。Take out net interest and you are at defense and nondefense discretionary spending.

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“自由市场理论最能说明消费者的肆意消费行为”,豪特说。“Free-market theory works great for discretionary consumer purchases,” says Hauter.

最后,税收激励比研究资助更好管理、更缺少任意性。Finally, tax incentives are easier to administer and less discretionary than grants.

此外,笔者还对酌定量刑情节的功能进行了介绍。Also, the writer introduces the function of discretionary circumstances of sentencing.

我们的目标消费群在25-35岁之间。他们有很强的可支配购买力。Our target customers are the 25-35 year olds. They have a lot of discretionary buying power.

因此,将酌定从重量刑情节作为量刑因素是错误的、有害的。Therefore, it is wrong and harmful to take the discretionary heavier circumstances of sentencing.

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同时,警察自由裁量权也将随着世界警务的发展而发展。Meanwhile, the police discretionary power will advance with the development of world police force.

第四部分,我国检察官自由裁量权的扩权性改革举措。The fourth part is reforming measures to expand the prosecutor's discretionary power in our country.

快进到数年之后,也就是2010年,突然间,人们的闲钱没有那么多了。So flash-forward a few years later, to 2010. Suddenly people don't have as many discretionary dollars.