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你听到有人在喊叫吗?Do you hear someone holler?

高唱啊高唱,上帝解救国王!Holler boys, holler boys, God Save the King!

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如果你需要什么,只要给我说一声。If you need anything , just give me a holler.

她原来的工作室决定是时间大声让步了.Her studio decided it was time to holler uncle.

主妇们常常抱怨生活费用昂贵。Housewives often holler about high cost of living.

嗨。你好!如果有任何需要,只要叫我一声就可以。Hi. How do you do Just holler if you need anything.

嗨。你好!假如有任何需要,只要叫我一声就可以。Hi. How do you do? Just holler if you need anything.

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好吧,当你需要我的时候,只需叫我我便会及时赶到。Well, when you want me, holler and I'll be there on time.

“没有人能逃过凯博·伦的惩罚,”他经常喊道。"No one escapes the wrath of Kybo Ren, " he would often holler.

共和党人大肆宣传联邦政府官员的廉洁问题。The Republicans made a great whoop and a holler about the honesty of federal employees.

星期天的比赛散场之前,大部分的洋基球迷早已离开球场,只剩下大都会的球迷在现场大吼大叫。By the end of the game on Sunday, most of the Yankees' fans had left, leaving scattered Mets fans to holler and gloat.

但同时剧院也是成年男子,会面,聊天,辩论的地方。But it was also where often the demos or the ekklesia would meet to have meetings and holler at each other and have big debates.

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我猜肯定是谁到楼下找东西把什么给撞翻了,我想迟早他们都会喊我去帮忙整理,索性就放下书下楼去了。I figured sooner or later they were going to holler for me to come help clean it up anyway, so I left my books and went downstairs.

我躺在蚊帐中,楼下室友们的说笑声不时传过来,我暗自宽慰自己说,克伦人看起来挺友善的。Lying there, listening to my housemates laugh and holler downstairs, I comforted myself with the thought that these Karen seemed nice.

你可以喊让人援助与你,可以把你一些厕所卫生纸用别的单间当然,除非你是在一个单间浴室。You can always holler for aid hoping a fellow restroom user can hand you some toilet paper in another stall, unless of course you are in a one-stall bathroom.

两个人傻了,咽下口水,开始挥动双臂,脖子上青筋暴跳,冲着狗拼命的喊叫,企图制止它。The two men swallow, blink, start waving their arms and, with veins in their necks swelling to resemble stalks of rhubarb, scream and holler at the dog to stop.