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这种分段线性变化也有很高的实用价值。This piecewise linear change has a very high practical value.

构造的曲面是分片双三次有理参数多项式曲面。This surface is a piecewise bi-cubic rational parametric polynomial surface.

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该文还给出了此模型的两种分段线性电路实现方法。Two kinds of piecewise -linear circuit realization based on the model are given.

如果是分段光滑的,即是由几段光滑曲线连接起来的。If is piecewise smooth, that is, consists of several smooth curves joined together.

远望谷将采取分片、分段逐步实施的方案。Yuanwang piecewise Valley will be taken, step by step implementation of sub-programs.

本论文主要研究分段线性系统的控制问题。The analysis and design of piecewise linear systems is the main contents of this paper.

这种激变是在一类分段连续力场作用下的受击转子模型中观察到的。The crisis is observed in a kicked rotor subjected to a piecewise continuous force field.

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其中第一类为分段连续的时滞微分方程,简称为EPCA。One of them is piecewise continuous argument delay differential equation, simply called EPCA.

考虑到运动冲击会增加机械磨损和噪声,5-5-5次分段多项式轨迹模式更趋实用。Taking all into account, 5-5-5-orders piecewise polynomial trajectory mode is more applicable.

本文提出了一种采用分段逼近的预失真硬件实现方法。A hardware realizing method is proposed in this paper which is based on piecewise approximating.

在第三章,我们主要研究了Y星上逐片同胚映射的迭代根的问题。In the third chapter, we study mainly iterative roots of piecewise homeomorphic maps of an Y-star.

本文分析方法对分段线性系统极为有效。It is found that the proposed method is particulary suitable for the system of piecewise linearity.

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给出了分段线性插值收敛速度的一种估计。We obtain an upper bounded estimate for the convergence rate of the piecewise linear interpolation.

考虑了一类具分段常数非线性时滞差分系统,得到了系统解的收敛性和周期性结果。In this paper, we consider a class of delay difference systems with piecewise constant nonlinearity.

本文主要讨论Y星上逐片同胚映射的迭代根。In this paper, we discussed mainly the iterative roots of piecewise homeomorphic maps of an Y- star.

方法利用非参数分段多项式估计和最小二乘法进行讨论。Methods It is discussed by nonparametric piecewise polynomial estimation and least squares estimation.

分段线性电阻器的状态模型是表征其分段线性特性的一种有效形式。State model is an effect method for discribing the piecewise linear cha- raeteristic of resistive network.

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与分段等效线性化方法相结合,也可用于某些非线性系统的响应计算。Combined with the piecewise linearization, it can be used to compute the response of some nonlinear system.

提出了用于对振动信号进行编码及重构的分段自仿射模型。The piecewise self-affine fractal model was explored for data coding and reconstruction of vibration signal.

采用逐段线性电路理论,对混沌产生的原理和方法进行了研究。The circuit principle and the method of engendering the chaos are studied with piecewise linear circuit theory.