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太长期不要浸没ourself在这处罚。Don't immerse ourself in this infliction too long.

最伟大的艺术、最伟大的礼物就是“活现自己”。The greatest art, the greatest gift, is to be ourself.

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人都是在原谅自己的那分钟开始懈怠。We start to slacken the minute we find excuses for ourself.

我们应该爱自己的国家,因为他们养育了我们。We should love ourself country, because she is nursing ours.

崇尚优秀,超越自我,追求卓越。Advocate excellence, pursue superexcellence, transcend ourself.

自己就可以练习口语,想练多久,就练多久。We can practice the spoken english and control your time by ourself.

活现我们的伟大庄严,显示我们是如何爱这个世界。Being ourself in all of our grandeur shows how much we love the world.

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我们都是用自己的记忆去提醒自己的身份,我也不例外。We have our own memory to remind ourself who we are, I am no different.

她还向我们展示如何向我们的内在看,如何成为我们自己的导师。She also shows us how to look inside ourself and to become our own guru.

升华内在心灵,神性与魔性和平并存!Developping ourself to perfect, God and devil exist together and peaceful!

所以为了要真正获得这些供应我们必须让自己一直忙碌。So, in order to really get this uh supplies, we have to keep busy ourself.

当我们遇到麻烦的时候,我们想到的第一件事就是保护自己。When comes to troubles, the first thing we consider is to protect ourself.

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相信自己,我们就创造了世界,我们的生活和潜力。Through our belief in ourself , we create our world , our life , our potential.

但是真相是,总有一些人比我们更成功。But, the truth is, there will always be some people more successful than ourself.

我们拥有自己的农业生产基地,属自产自销型。We have ourselves agricultural producing field and we sell the mushroom by ourself.

我可跟每个人都活在“天堂”里如果我们容许自己去体验美好的话。We could be in Heaven with every person we meet if we allow ourself to feel that good!

自然地活出自己,源于活出我们的使命,而非为了认同而活。Being ourself naturally proceeds from living our purpose rather than living for approval.

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使我觉的人的生命是地球上最脆弱东西。面对现在复杂的社会,人应该如何学会保护自己?Let me feel flimsy personalty. how to protect ourself when we face present complex society?

我们搞一个MEC聚会,大家自己动手做菜吃,好不好?本周日可行?Yangyang and Rachel, shall we hold a MEC party and make dishes by ourself? Maybe this Sunday?

从今天起,让我们团结一致,振作精神,开始重塑美国。Starting today, we must pick oneself up, dust ourself off and begin the work of remarking America.