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让其他人来这么做吧还是。Let somebody else overpay for them.

没有人愿意多付的二手设备。No one wants to overpay for used equipment.

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所以不要把近期的成交量看得太重。Then, don't overpay attention to recent-volumes.

拍卖使人兴奋,而兴奋的人极可能出大价钱。Auctions get people excited, and excited people are likely to overpay.

你确实需要关注股价,这样你才不会为一些好公司支付过多的价格。You do want to pay attention to stock prices so that you don't overpay for good companies.

“坏账银行”模式,由于不良资本的真实价值不确定,政府容易买贵了。In the “bad bank” model, the government may overpay for the bad assets, whose true value is uncertain.

从心理角度看,没有人会有意在某样东西上多花冤枉钱,尤其是还要连续收30年的账单。Psychologically, nobody wants to knowingly overpay for anything, particularly when the bill can last for 30 years.

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可以说他们备受煎熬,当中国决定压低人民币时就得为美元金融资产多付出代价。They were baked in, so to speak, when China decided to hold its currency down and thus overpay for US financial assets.

报告还指出,百度的广告系统缺乏透明度,这会使广告客户支付过高的价钱。The reports also suggested that the lack of transparency in Baidu's advertising system could lead advertisers to overpay.

例如,营利部门仅仅使用互联网促进它们的市场,而且可能让消费者为它们的产品付出过多的钱。For example for-profit sectors just use the internet to boost their market and can make consumers overpay for their product.

现希望贵司能按照发票金额先于付款,我司会在下笔订单中单价里相应的减少贵司多付的金额,谢谢配合。Could you please arrange the payment show on the invoice and we will deduct the overpay from next order. thank you for your cooperation.

该计划旨在帮助美国房市泡沫破裂后所留下来的不良债务进行定价,同时令市场参与进来,避免纳税人的钱出现浪费的情况.The plan aims to help set prices for poorly performing debt left over from the U.S. housing market bust, while involving the market to avoid the risk taxpayers will overpay.

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由政府雇员组织的工会尤其恶劣,他们加强了政府过度补偿员工的自然倾向,因为他们不仅是雇员,更是有投票权的选民。Unions of government workers are especially pernicious, as they reinforce the natural tendency of government to overpay its employees because they are voters as well as employees.