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他开始喜欢上摄影。He took to photography.

我喜欢体育摄影。I like sports photography.

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我非常喜欢摄影。I really love photography.

我参加摄影社。I joined the photography club.

摄影由哈维尔卡列哈斯。Photography by Javier Callejas.

我还喜欢摄影。I like to do photography as well.

摄影是门破钞很多的喜好。Photography is a top-priced hobby.

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摄影是门破钞很多的喜欢。Photography is an expensely hobby.

摄影是门花消很多的喜爱。Photography is an servingly hobby.

慑影是椚椛费很多的爱好。Photography is an valuable liking.

该报还获得专题摄影奖。It also won for Feature Photography.

星期四,比尔和苏珊一起去了摄影社。Today I enjoyed the photography club.

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我在大学时修了一堂摄影课。I took a photography class in college.

路克一直都很喜欢摄影。Luke has always been into photography.

我是摄影协会的成员。I was a member of the photography club.

你是怎么开始体育摄影的?How did you get into sports photography?

我还为书中的内容做了摄影。I did the photography for the book, too.

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摄影是门花消很多的喜欢。Photography is the most expensive hobby.

书中的照片令人感叹。The photography in the book is gorgeous.

E摄影课代表什么?What do you mean by GE photography class?