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皇家卫队仍在这里执行任务。The Danish Royal Guard is on duty.

他表示同意丹麦的谈判策略。He agrees with the Danish strategy.

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在我们学校几乎没有人懂得丹麦语。Few people know Danish in our school.

fisk在丹麦语里就是鱼的意思。Fisk apparently means “fish” in Danish.

丹麦语与瑞典语是同一语系的语言。Danish and Swedish are allied languages.

丹麦的经验证明了这一点。The Danish experience proves this point.

丹麦政府就是这么认为的。The Danish government certainly thinks so.

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此软件集将以丹麦语对桌面进行本地化。This task localises the desktop in Danish.

你所需要的一切是丹麦队再加上梦想!All you need is a Danish team and a dream !

首届广州丹麦文化周欢迎您!Welcome to the 1st Danish Week in Guangzhou!

这是丹麦一个常规的广告柱子。This is a standard Danish advertising column.

这位来自丹麦的政治学家是否改变了他的想法?Had the Danish political scientist changed his mind?

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您要丹麦甜品、法式牛角面包或土司?。Would you like Danish pastries , croissant or toast?

奥博德夏戟兵是身穿板甲的丹麦精锐部队。Skilled Danish halberd unit armoured in plate armour.

国王克里斯蒂安十是丹麦国王1912年至1947年。King Christian X was the Danish king from 1912 to 1947.

我面前是一片汪洋的丹麦海,冷清清,灰沉沉,广阔无垠。Before me stretches a Danish sea. Cold, gray, limitless.

即使如此,丹麦货币还是和欧元相绑定的。Even so, the Danish currency remains pegged to the euro.

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希望如此。我有部分丹麦血统,但我不会说丹麦语。I hope so. I'm part Danish, but I don't know any Danish.

所以他想知道,“你是怎么知道我说丹麦语的?”So he wanted to know, “How did you know I speak Danish?”

那个中世纪的丹麦书柜也是在craiglist上找到的。the danish mid-century credenza was found on craigslist.