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好的表达意味着精确和接近精确。Good diction means the exact or near exact.

老师,默写必须每隔一行写吗?Sir, must we write the diction every other line?

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你能把那本字典给我吗?就是那本皮是红的。Would you give me the diction whose cover is red.

文辞不当削弱了他演讲的渲染力。Bad diction marred the effectiveness of her speech.

你的演说效果在于你的用字是否得当。The effectiveness of your speech depends on your diction.

戏曲的音乐与文辞之间具有高度的相关性。Opera music and diction between the high degree of relevance.

不要用这些怪僻的词藻来掩饰思想的贫乏。Don't conceal the poverty of thought by the eccentric diction.

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在演讲术中,措辞清晰是必不可少的。In the art of puBlic speaking, clear diction is a sine qua non.

阐述这首诗的优点或是措辞的得当,没有这个必要。It is needless to expatiate on its poetic merit or felicity of diction.

莎莉说,也许她能讲几种方言,但可能用词不当。Maybe she can speak several dialects but she probably has very poor diction.

广告文案的本质是促使受众行动而非炫耀文案的华彩丽服。The nature of the letter is the action of target audience but flowery diction.

文学理论的现代性表现为理论言语的科学化与体系化。The modernity of literary theory is evident scientism and systematism of diction.

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字法单元的主题包括简洁、重复、简单的字等等。The topics of Diction section include Conciseness, Repetition Simple Words, and etc.

我甚至发现自己往往借助一种修辞抗衡另一种修辞,通常是为了达到反讽的效果。I even find myself playing one diction off against another, usually for ironic effect.

20世纪以来,关于两汉的通假字现象,人们曾经做过不少研究。Lots of research has been made on characters and diction of that period since 20th century.

吴建豪被批评他低于平均水平的演技和贫困国语词的戏剧。Van Ness was criticised for his sub-par acting skills and poor Mandarin diction in the drama.

因此语言成了狄金森思想感情的密码、符号和面具。Carefully chosen diction and syntax, for Dickinson, is the code, sign and mask of her own emotions.

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当然了,如果考生的措词和口音也都不错的话,那是再好不过的了。Of course, it would be best if the student can deliver their answer with the proper diction and accent.

夯实英语基础知识包括语音的纯正性、语法的规范性、遣词造句的专业性等。Solid English fundamental knowledge contains native-like accent, standard grammar and professional diction.

散文化小说审美效应的产生,和“回忆”是分不开的。“回忆”带来散文化小说冲淡平和的美学品格。This relation gives rise to the aesthetics of prose-style novels, which sharply decrease its plain diction.