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我们加快了脚步。We quicken our steps.

叫我在祢的道中生活。Quicken thou me in thy way.

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我们必须加快步伐。We have to quicken our pace.

这些菜肴能刺激你的食欲。These dishes can quicken your appetite.

她搅动汤使它凉得快些。She stirred her soup to quicken its cooling.

让它像枯叶一样促成新的生命!Like witheered leaves to quicken a new birth!

磨刀不误砍柴功,安全教育不放松。Quicken work, safety education does not relax.

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在哪里,何时打快是关键。When and where to quicken the play is the key.

到下世纪初韩国人口老龄化进程将进一步加快。The aging trend will quicken in the next century.


一头栽倒在水中后,他感觉到脉搏加快。Landing headfirst in the water, he felt his pulse quicken.

从而加快了分光计计的调节速度。This method will quicken the adjusting speed of spectrometer.

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当然也有网上资源如mint.com和加快网。There are also online resources such as and quicken online.

通过这些影响,晚清“商战”思潮的兴起加速了中国近代化的进程。Such effects quicken the process of modernization of China at the time.

为了完成生产指标,他们就得加快工作速度。They have to quicken up their rate of work to fulfil the production quota.

在这浅紫色的光辉和浅紫色的芳香中,我不觉加快了脚步。In the light purple brilliance and fragrance, I quicken unconsciously my step.

凯西·斯道博觉得心跳加快,汗水常常覆盖了她的前额。Kathy Staub felt her heartbeat quicken and the familiar sweat coat her forehead.

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研究显示,就连安全带锁扣开合练习也有助于加快逃生速度。Research shows even practicing with the seat belt latch can help quicken escape.

该公司将加快其从现有的13家店,到2012年扩大到65家。The company will quicken its expansion from the existing 13 stores to 65 by 2012.

技术教育可以加速新观念和最佳实践的吸收和采用。Technical education can quicken the pace of absorption of ideas and best practices.