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我写的一切。Everything I write.

一切都被颠覆了。It upsets everything.

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万事都有一个尽头。Everything has an end.

所有事都是模糊的。Everything is blurred.

每个字都是蓝的。Everything is in blue.

他什么都能修。He can fix everything.

万事都有局限性。Everything has a limit.

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啥事情都是循环往复滴。Everything is cyclical.

一切都应通过。Everything should pass.

所有油炸的我都吃。I ate everything fried.

它可以胜任任何情况。It works in everything.

耶稣是我的一切。Jesus is my Everything.

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灯光就是一切。Lighting is everything.

一切都正常。And everything was fine.

一切都是对象。Everything is an object.

一切都是在演戏。Everything is role-play.

似乎万事俱备只欠东风了。Everything seemed ready.

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您描述的一切。Everything you describe.

他对什么都吹毛求疵。He cavils at everything.

如果足够着重用“我的“这个词。Maybe indeed everything.