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使用碳粉铁氰化钾的照片时,棕褐色色调。Use toner with ferricyanide when sepia toning photographs.

使用小分子无机物铁氰化钾作为介体是电池的最大输出电流较使用硫堇等有机化合物时增大了一倍。The current output mediated by ferricyanide was much greater than that mediated by organic compound such as thionine.

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老化血红素对黄嘌呤氧化酶的抑制作用不同,它不影响DCPIP为受体时的活力而却抑制细胞色素c的还原。In this case, the reduction of cytochrome c and ferricyanide but not the reduction of DCPIP was inhibited by aged haematin.

介绍了近年来鲁米诺-铁氰化钾化学发光体系的研究及其分析应用。It was focus on the Study of post-chemiluminescence behaviour in Luminol-Potassium Ferricyanide System and its application.

提出了以重铬酸钾-铁氰化钾为氧化剂的铅氢化物发生氧化还原体系。In this paper, a method was proposed for hydride generation of lead using potassium dichromate-potassium ferricyanide as oxidant.

介绍一种快速精确的测定还原染料轧染汽蒸液中保险粉浓度的方法,即铁氢化钾滴定法。A rapid method for determining the content of sodium hydrosuphite in vat steam was undertaken via potassium ferricyanide titration.

铁氰化钾影响学习如何在这个自由打印黑白照片的摄影课从专业摄影师。Learn how ferricyanide affects prints of photographs in this free black and white photography lesson from a professional photographer.

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在无隔膜电解槽中采用钛阳极、铜阴极电解制备铁氰化钾。The electrolytic preparation of potassium ferricyanide is carried out in diaphragmless electrolytic cell with titanium anode and copper cathod.

铁氰化钾晶体是由斯特凡埃伯哈德放大的乔治亚大学,复杂碳水化合物研究中心在雅典,格鲁吉亚提出这个图片的40倍。Crystals of potassium ferricyanide are magnified 40 times in this image made by Stefan Eberhard of the University of Georgia, Complex Carbohydrate Research Center in Athens, Georgia.

采用铁氰化钾作为媒介体,将尿酸氧化酶固定在羧甲基纤维素钠处理过的碳电极表面,研制成一种尿酸生物传感器。An amperometric uric acid biosensor was developed by immobilizing uric acid oxidase on carbon electrodes, in which, potassium ferricyanide was used to electron medium of chemistry response.

采用铁氰化钾作为媒介体,将尿酸氧化酶固定在羧甲基纤维素钠处理过的碳电极表面,研制成一种尿酸生物传感器。A new amperometric uric acid biosensor developed by immobilizing of uric acid oxidase in carbon electrodes, in which, potassium ferricyanide is used to electron medium of chemistry response.