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从层磨损的痕迹。Scuff marks from floors.

到处都是磨损的痕迹!There are scuff marks all over it!

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后车门框板由模制紧压保持器连接。The rear door scuff plate is attached with molded-in snap retainers.

脚跟和脚趾额外的绒面层提供耐磨性和耐擦性增援。Extra suede layer heel and toe reinforcements provide abrasion and scuff resistance.

他说,如果你的鞋子磨坏了,一双和鞋子颜色一样的平底帆可能会让你转危为安。If you scuff a shoe, he reveals, "A Sharpie the color of your shoe can save the day!"

磨损和胶合模拟实验以及测量技术,包括实验条件的监测。Wear and scuff simulation tests, and measurement techniques, including condition monitoring.

先使用我们的唇部磨砂去除死皮,然后再涂上野艳樱桃唇乳霜滋润双唇。Smooth away dead skin cells using our Lip Scuff before applying our creamy Wild Cherry Lip Butter.

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硬木地板清洁擦伤使用地板清洁用软布痕浅黄色的解决方案出来的浮渣。Clean scuff marks on hardwood floors by using a floor cleaning solution with a soft cloth to buff the scruff out.

此外,气门关闭撞击力大,可能撞裂或撞碎气门,并擦伤偏心轮轴和随动机构。Also, the valves close with a great deal of impact, which may crack or break the valves and scuff the camshaft and followers.

使用软皮拖把从重塑承包商与技巧大擦伤痕迹在此免费上门维修和保养视频。Use a chamois mop for large scuff marks with tips from a remodeling contractor in this free video on home repair and maintenance.

德国近期一直不受邻国欢迎,西班牙“毒黄瓜”的错误警告将会进一步损害其在邻国的形象。The false alarm about Spanish cucumbers will further scuff Germany's image in a neighbourhood where it has not been popular lately.

近来德国在邻国中颇不受欢迎,这次对黄瓜的误报将进一步损害德国在邻国中的形象。The false alarm about Spanish cucumbers will further scuff Germany’s image in a neighbourhood where it has not been popular lately.

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停在车队里的时候为了消磨时间他记住了他前面的车尾上的每一处的小刮蹭和污点。During the hour he'd already spent in the line, he'd memorized every scuff and speck of dirt on the back end of the truck in front of him.

在用水平二辊连轧机轧制中,椭圆轧件进入圆孔型翻转时易出现错辊、导卫装置损坏、轧件划伤等一系列问题。A serials of problems of miss position of roll, easy damage of guide and guard, scuff mark of piece were common during oval piece entering round pass by 2-h horizontal mill.

在这样一个夜晚士气低落的利兹联队员们完全没有给弗格森设计的这个奇怪的阵型,以及曼联年轻的门将本·阿莫斯带来任何麻烦。For Ferguson to devise this team and his goalkeeper, Ben Amos, to go through the match without getting a scuff of mud on his kit demonstrates what a demoralising night it was for Leeds.