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许多黎巴嫩人将哈里里的死归咎于叙利亚。Many Lebanese blamed Syria for Mr Hariri's murder.

黎巴嫩囚犯问题是一个敏感的问题。There is a sensitive issue about Lebanese prisoners.

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在密西根州的迪尔伯恩城市中,有一大群黎巴嫩人居住。In Dearborn, Michigan, there is a large group of Lebanese.

黎巴嫩人一直有见面时亲吻对方脸颊三下的习惯。Lebanese have long greeted each other with 3 kisses to the cheek.

每年有3500多名黎巴嫩人死于与烟草相关的疾病。More than 3500 Lebanese die each year from tobacco-related diseases.

汉堡欧芹也用于它不理这样的食物,它不理是一种黎巴嫩的传统沙拉。It is also used in foods such as tabouli, a traditional Lebanese salad.

战争造成了大约743名黎巴嫩人和157名以色列人的死亡。Some 743 Lebanese and 157 Israelis were killed in the ensuing fighting.

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奥马尔讲,不单是警察欺负他,黎巴嫩人也欺负他。Not only do the police harass Omar but, he says, the Lebanese do as well.

在贝鲁特海滩举行的风筝节,一个黎巴嫩小女孩放飞她的风筝。A young Lebanese girl flies her kite during a festival on a beach in Beirut.

2011年8月17日,黎巴嫩议会通过了一项新的烟草控制法案。On 17 August 2011, the Lebanese Parliament adopted a new tobacco-control act.

其中的一个颁给了M.C,去年在炸弹袭击下存活的一位黎巴嫩广播员。One went to M. C, a Lebanese broadcaster who survived a bomb attack last year.

融入黎巴嫩的社会会让他们失去回到祖国的权利。To simulate into Lebanese society would give up their claim to their homeland.

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来自黎巴嫩的美食,库斯库斯和小麦粒制成的皮裹以烤制的小牛肉和松子炸香而成。Lebanese food, minced beef baked and fried in a shell of Cous Cous and burghul.

黎巴嫩军队和武装分子在黎波里激战两天了。For the second straight day, the Lebanese army and militants clashed in Tripoli.

2005年2月,黎巴嫩前总理拉菲克·哈里里在贝鲁特遇袭身亡。February 2005, former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri in Beirut were killed.

黎巴嫩政府预计将在几小时内开会研究该文件。The Lebanese government is expected to meet in a few hours to study the document.

穆萨说,黎巴嫩反对派的主要支持者叙利亚支持这项计划。Moussa said it is supported by Syria, which is a main backer of the Lebanese opposition.

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他们应该知道我们支持黎巴嫩的军队,我们和黎巴嫩人是兄弟,我们是客人,客人尊敬主人。We are brothers of the Lebanese people. We are the guest and the guest respects his host.

你可以将这些有点类似于开胃菜的黎巴嫩小吃收藏于冰箱中。Similar to antipasto, these Lebanese small plates are a great thing to have in the fridge.

在加拿大散居着大量黎巴嫩人,其中必然包括真主党支持者。There is a large Lebanese diaspora in Canada which must include some Hizbollah supporters.