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但无论如何,我离题。But anyway, I digress.

弄得我这样离题万里?That makes me so digress?

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我的思想开始开小差了。My thoughts were beginning to digress.

看起来的感觉很妙,不过这是题外话。The 600 looks much nicer, but I digress.

讲课时不要扯到枝节上。Don't digress from the subject when lecturing.

嗯,我,我的自定义弹球机,但我离题了。Well, I do, my custom pinball machine, but I digress.

有或者他们会返回去热烈拥护他,但我离题了。Or maybe they will return to flame him. But I digress.

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请允许我暂时离开话题一会儿,我给你讲个小故事。Let me digress for a moment and tell you a short story.

让我岔开一会儿,解释原先发生了什么。Let me digress for a moment and explain what had happened previously.

如果允许我离题一会儿,我就给你们讲个有趣的故事。I'll tell you a funny story,if I may digress from my subject for a monent.

如果让我开个小差,我想很快说一下她早期的电影作品。If I can digress for a moment, I'd like to briefly mention her earlier films.

在和合作者讨论之前,不要被这些新的问题牵走了注意力。Do not digress into these new questions without first discussing them with your collaborators.

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Mazzeo书中的不足之处,是没有太多描写香奈儿在时装界的作用。If Mazzeo’s book has a fault, it is a failure to digress more richly into Chanel’s role in fashion.

底部不光滑的石头会留下直线划痕,而底部光滑的石头则会漂移,偏离原路。Stones with rough bottoms leave straight tracks, while those with smooth bottoms drift and digress.

因此在这一节里,我们暂时离开正题,来复习一下一些熟知的。Consequently we digress momentarily in this section to review some well-known definitions and operations.

在我们讨论证书时,需要暂时转移到一个关键点——证书期满。While we are talking about certificates, we want to digress briefly on a crucial point -- certificates expire.

有点扯远了,我不太愿意跟医院打交道,即使是体检中心这样的非真正的医疗部门。I digress from the subject, I don't want to get relative with hospital, even its PEC which is not formal part of hospital.

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我现在想不要直接链接到嫉羡,而是打个岔花点时间谈谈语言以及近些年来克莱因后继者们的技术和使用的词汇。While not directly centrally linked to Envy, I want to digress for a moment to think about language and a shift over recent years in Kleinian technique and use of words.

在更为详细地分析请求端缓存模式前,我们将先谈点别的,看看可以如何从实际工作中获得这个模式。Before looking at the requester-side caching pattern in more detail, we'll digress a little to understand how this pattern might have been harvested from a real engagement.

当然这里假设世界并没有毁灭,并且只有约翰·库萨克和其他一些为数不多的“所谓二流”演员存活下来演绎着一些骇人听闻的好莱坞异类电影。Of course, that is assuming the world hasn't ended, with only John Cusack and a few other B-list actors surviving to spawn some hideous Hollywood mutant race.But I digress.