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赔款暂时中止了。Reparations were temporarily pretermitted.

中国承担严厉的战争赔款。Stiff reparations for war damages were to be paid—by the Chinese.

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众所周知,国共两党都免除了日本的战争赔款。And all we known, both PRC and ROC gave up Japan, s war reparations.

希拉里不会开出气候赔款支票。Hillary Clinton won't be handing over a check for climate reparations.

支付各类赔款556亿元,其中财产险和短期人身险共支付赔款318亿元,寿险给付238亿元。Another 23.8 billion Yuan was paid as reparations in life insurance programs.

美国国会为政府不公平待遇道歉甚至赔款相当罕见。Apologies for government mistreatment and reparations have been rare in Congress.

他还说,历史上最大的碳排放国美国不欠赔款。He also said the US, the biggest carbon emitter in history, did not owe reparations.

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二战后德国的分裂与美英苏制定的分区赔偿政策息息相关。The split of Germany after World War II was closely related to the Zonal Reparations Policy.

例如,因为1990年萨达姆•侯赛因入侵科威特,伊拉克至今还在赔款。Iraq, for example, is still paying reparations to Kuwait for Saddam Hussein’s invasion of 1990.

日本在华财产是日本对华战争赔偿的组成部分之一。The property, enterprised by Japan in China, was one part of war reparations that Japan paid for China.

德国投降后,联军在1945年秋组织了巴黎会议商讨战争赔款事宜。After Germany's surrender, the Allied powers organized the Paris Conference on Reparations in the fall of 1945.

关于赔款的争论也使得德国人民开始反对与国际体系的合作。The wrangling over reparations also helped turn the German people against co-operation with the international system.

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雅尔塔会议是美英苏三国关于德国赔偿问题进行的第一次公开讨论。Conference at Yalta is the first meeting for the U. S. , UK and Societ Union to openly discuss reparations by Germany.

到1922年底,德国发现它没有财力继续支付“凡尔赛条约”的战争赔款。By the end of 1922 Germany found it was no longer able to pay the war reparations set forth by the Treaty of Versailles.

建国初期,总理周恩来重申了放弃对日本所欠中国人民的战争血债的索偿要求。In the early days of New China, Premier Zhou Enlai reiterated that China gave up the claim of war reparations against Japan.

波茨坦会议上美英苏三大国在德国赔偿问题上各自的立场不同并产生争论。In Potsdam Conference, the conflicts in German reparations arose due to the different standing positions of the U. S. , the U.

在稍早些时候他重申,日本拒绝中国提出的赔偿要求和向被扣押的拖网渔船道歉。He earlier reiterated the government’s rejection of Chinese demands for reparations and an apology for the seizure of the trawler.

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1873年9月法国对德战后赔款数额确定后,德国方面经济问题紧缩的问题更显严峻。The contraction of the German economy was exacerbated by the conclusion of war reparations payments to Germany by France in September 1873.

领取赔款时,请您携带公章、车主或领款人身份证等有效证件进行办理。When the reparations that get ask you to carry official seal car advocate or the effective certificate such as payee id undertakes conduction.

他还曾参与发起在全球征集一亿人签名要求日本偿付战争赔款的运动。He was also involved in launching the world's 100 million people collecting signatures demanding that the Japanese pay war reparations movement.