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石球是旧石器时代原始人用来狩猎的工具。The stone balls were tools of hunting in Paleolithic times.

北京猿人生活在六十九万年前的旧石器时代。Peking Man lived 690000 years ago, during Paleolithic times.

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北京人在当时属于旧石器时代。The Peking man during that time belongs to the Paleolithic Period.

到旧石器时代晚期,同时存在细石器技术传统的产品。The microlithic tool tradition appeared in the late paleolithic period.

然而,在我们旧石器时代的同胞们里,还没听说过有几个伟大学者产生过。Yet our Paleolithic brethren are not known for having been great scholars.

类似的石圈在旧石器时代早期和晚期都曾发现。Similar stone circles are found throughout the upper and lower paleolithic.

旧石器时代晚期西伯利亚Buret的棚屋,时间约为公元前10,000。Upper paleolithic Huts from Mezin, Ukraine. These huts date to about 10,000 BCE.

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旧石器时代晚期乌克兰梅京的棚屋,时间可追溯至公元前约10000。Upper paleolithic Huts from Mezin, Ukraine. These huts date to about 10, 000 BCE.

弓箭早在旧石器时代晚期或中石器时代早期就出现了。The bow seems to have been invented in the late Paleolithic or early Mesolithic periods.

以旧石器时期的标准,新石器时期的技术进步太快了。By Paleolithic standards, technology evolved at a blistering pace in the Neolithic period.

想像一下在石器时代的部落中,一个年轻女人的配偶公然的和另一个女人交配。Imagine a young women living in a Paleolithic tribe whose mate openly mated with another woman.

已故的玛格丽特梅丽博士回溯魔法起源于25,000年前的旧石器时代。The late Dr. Margaret Murry traced Witchcraft's origins to Paleolithic times, 25,000 years ago.

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发现于1957年的匼河文化遗址的年代一直存在较大的争议。The age of the Kehe Paleolithic Sites discovered in 1957 has been a matter of dispute for decades.

乌克兰普什卡尔发现的一处旧石器时代棚屋,由动物毛皮制成。A Paleolithic hut divided in three sections and made of animal skins was found at Pushkari, Ukraine.

对于这种饮食产生的原因是,旧石器时代人类通过自然选择已经适应了那个时代的食物。The rationale for this is that natural selection has adapted Paleolithic humans to the food in that era.

此处展示的是旧石器时代晚期一间棚屋的结构图,该形式的一般特征往往重复出现。Shown here is a layout of an upper paleolithic hut, a form often repeated in its general characteristics.

“流星锤”起源于原始社会旧石器时代狩猎工具的“飞石索”。"Meteor hammer" originated from the hunting tool "rope stone" in the Paleolithic Age of primitive society.

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我们这些旧石器时代的发达国家如今是暴发户的捕猎对象,我们掠食者的角色已经完了。We of the developed-world Paleolithic species are fair game for the upstarts now, our predator role exhausted.

晋中在距今约3万年前的旧石器时代晚期已有人类活动,商代后期出现城邑。Jinzhong ago at about 3 years ago has been the late Paleolithic human activities, the late Shang Dynasty cities.

其中一个认为,由于旧石器时代晚期气候寒冷,需要户外活动的原因,有一个大脑袋是必须的。One is that big heads were necessary to survive Upper Paleolithic life, which involved cold, outdoor activities.