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色彩熠熠生辉。The colors brighten.

你让我今天增辉不少。You brighten my day.

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将自己的办公空间装点得更加明亮。Brighten your office space.

花朵让房间满室生辉。Flowers brighten up a room.

它们能照亮房间和心灵。They brighten rooms and faces.

太阳升上高空照亮了整个大地the sun rises to brighten the land

它会让你周围的世界变得美好。It can brighten the world around you.

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我挂金钩明暗夜。I hang golden hook brighten dark night.

给厨房涂上黄色,使它发亮。Brighten the kitchen by painting it yellow.

新墙纸将使房间显得更加明亮。The new wall paper will brighten up the room.

在灰霾降临时点亮你的心灵。To brighten your heart when the gray shadows fall.

那天下午,朱恩妮塔跑来串门,给卡罗尔解闷。That afternoon Juanita dropped in to brighten Carol.

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他的幽默感总是让你的一天很明亮。His sense of humour can brighten you up the whold day.

让水晶文具为你的办公室带来新的亮点吧!Brighten up your office with these jeweled accessories.

多彩的野花装点了这个多石的地方。Wildflowers of different colors brighten the rocky land.

他们眼睛发亮,一有这样的消息他们就来劲。Their eyes brighten as they always do when such news comes.

虽然白的很容易脏,但是可以使人增靓不少。White gets dirty easily, but it will brighten up your look.

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所以缘编的花样我找了亮亮的段染夏纱来配色。I used a glittery, variegated summer yarn to brighten it up.

我要做萤火虫,我的光要点亮世界。I will be as the firefly and my light will brighten the world.

蔷薇色的装饰会令你顿时生辉。Rosy touch-ups are an instant way to brighten up your outfits.