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他把它们称为“不可或缺化”和“有形化”。He called them "indispensability" and " tangibility.

在文学作品、电影中也是不可缺少之物。It is also the thing of indispensability in the literature work, movie.

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社会影响评价是项目评价一个不可缺少的部分。Social impact evaluation is an indispensability part of project evaluation.

数据压缩已经成为信息时代必不可少的一项技术。Data compression has been a technique of indispensability in times of information.

我有一台电脑,它对我非常有用,是我日常生活不可缺少的朋友。Have one set computer, it to my great use is the friend of the indispensability of my daily life.

在基督徒看来,婚姻并不仅仅是一纸不可缺少的、具有法律和社会约束力的契约。As the Christians opinions, marriage is a indispensability contract with legal and social sanctions.

在21世纪,信息网络建设成为城市发展不可缺少的基本组成部分。In 21 century, constmtion information network is becoming indispensability unit in city development.

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电梯是高层建筑不可缺少的垂直方向的交通运输工具。The elevator is a kind tool that is indispensability in the high-building perpendicular transportation.

今后网络仿真将成为数据网络规划设计不可缺少的环节。System simulation technique will become the link of the programming and designing of network indispensability.

我国经济的快速发展,汽车已经成为人们不可缺少的交通工具。Our country economy of fleetness development, the car have already become pileup of the people indispensability.

数据挖掘技术是电子商务系统不可缺少的重要工具,两者的结合具有长远的发展前途。Data mining technology is an indispensability tool for E-commerce system, the combination has a long-term future.

本文介绍了编组驼峰自动化系统的必要性和工作原理。The indispensability and principle of the automatic classification humping yard system is introduced in this paper.

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琼胶和琼胶素是现代食品工业、化妆品工业和生物工程研究中不可缺少的。Agar and Agarose are indispensability in modern foodstuff industry, cosmetic industry and study of biology engineering.

内心音乐听觉是每一个从事音乐实践活动的人不可缺少的一种能力。That the inner musical auditory sensation for people who deal with the music practice is the capability indispensability.

本机操作方便,是制造高档的彩印包装行业不可缺少的理想设备。This machine operation convenience, make the upscale to print to pack the ideal equipments o the profession indispensability.

我有一台计算机,他是我生活中的好朋友,它对我的用途很大,是我日常生活的亲密朋友。I have a computer, he is my good friend in my life, it to my great use is the friend of the indispensability of my daily life.

在中国农村社会,法律在运行的过程中缺乏主体认同性、维权性和必行性。In the Chinese rural community, law wants of subject identification, defensiveness, indispensability in the process of functioning.

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就写作学生对于错误修改的认知而言,其均强调错误修改的必要性,也一致认为错误修改有助于提升写作的信心。The student writers all stress the indispensability of error correction and its help with their boosted confidence for future writing.

而入口是建筑形态构成不可缺少的基本元素之一,它控制着两种不同空间的转换,是形成空间序列和节奏性的关键所在。Entrance is indispensability factor of building, it is keystone of forming the sequence space and control the transform of differ space.

大学生是网络用户中不可缺少的部分,也是许多网站建设的重点对象。The university student is the part of the indispensability in the network customer, is also the point object of many website construction.