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你能否澄清,中国是否还在生产核武器用裂变材料?Can you clarify whether China is producing fissile material for weapons purposes?

中国裂变材料的储备,比起美国的来小很多。China's stockpile of fissile material is a miniscule fraction of that of the United States.

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目前已知有三种裂变材料,它们是铀233,铀235,以及钚。Only three fissile materials are known at present, there being U-233, U-235, and plutonium.

此外,在“暂停产”概念下,到底指的是停产哪些裂变材料,也不清楚。Moreover, it is not clear which fissile material is supposed to be subject to the moratorium.

一场由遗失的前苏联核燃料制造的恐怖主义核攻击可以毁掉你的一整天。One terrorist nuke, assembled from stray ex-Soviet fissile material, can ruin your whole day.

伊拉克一旦获得可裂变物质,就能在一年内制造出核武器。Should Iraq acquire fissile material, it would be able to build a nuclear weapon within a year.

用于制造核弹的裂变材料包括高浓缩铀和钚。Fissile materials used in nuclear bomb production include highly enriched uranium and plutonium.

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巴基斯坦是实施核裂变禁令的主要障碍,但是印度和中国也一直抵制。Pakistan is the main obstacle to a fissile materials ban, but India and China have been resistant.

和5个核大国不同,印度拒绝签署禁止核试验条约,和5个核大国不同,印度拒绝停止生产用于制造原子弹的裂变材料铀和钚。Unlike them, it declines to end the production of fissile material—uranium and plutonium—for bombs.

因此,我们在清除用于制造武器的裂变材料的同时也需要开始清除这类材料。Thus, we need to start getting rid of this material along with fissile material created for weapons use.

相反,它只需要一个可供数千台离心分离机运转的地方,以及大量的时间生产核原料。Instead, it requires a space where thousands of centrifuges can spin and a great deal of time to produce fissile material.

我们将呼吁各国从明年一月开始谈判一项协议,以终止可用于武器的裂变材料的生产。And we will call upon countries to begin negotiations in January on a treaty to end the production of fissile material for weapons.

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商业房地产的发展和成熟,这意味着消费为基础的房地产作为财产的裂变生产。Commercial real estate development and maturity, means that the consumption-based real estate being the property of fissile production.

多边削减核武库,可能首先要求停止核试验以及武器用裂变材料的生产。Multilateral nuclear arsenal reductions may require first ending both nuclear tests and all production of fissile material for weapons.

对于核弹,链式反应是失控的爆炸,因为每个核的裂变引起另外好几个核的裂变。For a nuclear bomb , the chain reaction of explosions is out of control, because each of fissile nuclear caused several other nuclear fission.

他在展望2008年时表示希望能够完成北韩放弃可裂变材料和爆炸装置等"收尾工作"。Looking ahead to 2008, he expressed his hope that “endgame items” such as the abandonment of the fissile material and explosive devices will be achieved.

罗布泊是著名的中国核武器试验场,被标注出来的三个工厂也可以用于生产武器级别的核裂变原料。Lop Nur is well known as the test site for Chinese nuclear weapons, and the three plants annotated above could be used to produce weapons-grade fissile material.

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他不仅作为一个有良知的作家,而且作为一个深谙中国政治文化环境的作家,作为一个集传统儒道文化于一体的大成者,机智地活跃在当代文化发生深层裂变的缝隙中。He acts wittily in the fissile gap of contemporary culture, not only as a conscientious writer, but also as a writer who knows well Confucianism and Chinese politics.

联合国秘书长潘基文2月24日鼓励本届会议“大力推进”裂变材料条约,否则这项努力将有可能失去意义。U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon encouraged the conference on February 24 to “move ahead vigorously” on the fissile material treaty or risk slipping into irrelevance.

裂变堆特别是商用轻水反应堆使用较成熟的技术,也满足当前安全和环境设计指导方针。The fissile reactors, especially commercial light water reactor, use comparatively mature technology and are designed to meet current safety and environmental guidelines.