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你觉得政府是否应该强迫所有市民带口罩或胶手套?Should government compulsorily make citizen to wear surgical mask or gloves?

为此,我们回报,我们不会强制限制外籍球员。For this reason we return and we will not compulsorily limit foreign players.

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被强制结清的银行账户的数量一直在快速地增长。The number of bank accounts that are closed compulsorily has been increasing rapidly.

一般情况下,协议多数是没有法律强制力的,而合同多数是有法律上的强制执行力。In general, most of contracts can be compulsorily implemented, but most of agreements can not.

合伙人在合伙企业中的全部财产份额被人民法院强制执行。All the partner's share of property in the partnership is compulsorily executed by a people's court.

但是你要强制让人给你按摩小铁柱,那要怎么强制?But you want to compulsorily let people the small iron pillar is to your knead, that how compulsive?

索罗斯说,奥巴马本应该强制替换那些已经丧失的资本。Soros said in an interview with CNN. 'He should have compulsorily replaced the capital that was lost.

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对无正当理由不接受传唤或者逃避传唤的,公安机关可以强制传唤。Whoever refuses to be summoned or avoids summons without good reasons shall be summoned compulsorily.

任何部门和单位不得以行业、专业等为理由强行承接工程。No department or entity shall compulsorily undertake projects with reasons of trade or profession, etc.

但实在不敢劳兄义务劳动,不过我会与兄再联系的,再次深深表示由衷的感谢!!!But I dare not have you work compulsorily , and I will connect with you and show my appreciation again! ! !

你能看到的就是许多人来此寻梦,但是梦却被强迫打断的挫折感。What you see is the frustration of many who came here in search of a dream that has been compulsorily interrupted.

押住房公积金是单位和职工必须缴纳的长期住房储备金,具有保障性、强制性、专属性、互助性的特点。The housing accumulation fund, as a long-term reserved fund, should be compulsorily paid by both employees and employing units.

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以典型案例作引子,阐明了公司司法解散的理由。By introducing a typical case this paper expounds the common reasons for disbanding a corporation compulsorily in judicial procedure.

特别有用大型软件分销媒体像杂志封面光盘的,共享光碟等,其中有强制的档案压缩格式。Particularly useful on large software distribution media like magazine cover CD's, shareware CD's, etc. which compulsorily have files in compressed format.

人民法院强制执行有限合伙人的财产份额时,应当通知全体合伙人。Where a people's court compulsorily executes the share of property of a limited partner in a limited liability partnership, it shall notify all the partners.

这17年来,厦门建行几近零的理赔率和高额的保险收入,使被强制购买房贷险的购房者很是看不透。This 17 years, the construction of the Xiamen almost zero for the high odds and insurance income to compulsorily purchase the property buyers mortgage insurance is very fail.

有关用于第1、2和3检测级别的所有仪器,供货商必须在生产准备会议召开前向承包商递交“供货商质量控制计划书”,以供承包商评核。For equipment of inspection levels 1, 2 and 3, the Supplier SQCP will have to be submitted compulsorily to CONTRACTOR for comments before the pre-manufacturing meeting is held.

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破产管理署负责管理个别破产人的财产,以及由香港高等法院原讼法庭颁令强制清盘的公司的资产。The Official Receiver's Office administers the estates of individual bankrupts and companies ordered to be compulsorily wound up by the Court of First Instance of the High Court.

土地征收是指为了公共利益的需要,由国家将集体土地强制性征归国有并按法定程序给予被征地集体或个人一定补偿的行为。Land requisition, to a government, is the requirement of public interests. The government compulsorily collects collective land and compensates the individuals according to legal formalities.