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我是手无寸铁的"I am unarmed."

他们被解除武装。They were unarmed of weapons.

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他们满身泥污且并未携带武器。They were bedraggled and unarmed.

他是徒手格斗的能手。He is an expert in unarmed combat.

你就这样赤手空拳的,怎么当英雄啊?How can you be a hero if you are unarmed?

出动坦克车对付手无寸铁的学生。Tanks were sent in agai t unarmed students.

武装先知都会战胜而非武者终将灭绝。The armed prophets conquer, the unarmed lose.

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炸弹像雨点一般落在手无寸铁的老百姓身上。Bombs rained down on the unarmed common people.

司马空徒手杀了三名日本士兵。SiMaKong unarmed killed three Japanese soldiers.

谁是马奇亚维利,除了是一名原型非武的先知之外?Who is Machiavelli but an archetypal, unarmed prophet?

两人都受到过武器和徒手格斗训练。Both men are trained with weapons and in unarmed combat.

他来到这个世间,他一无所有,他的头脑是他唯一的武器。He comes on earth unarmed. His brain is his only weapon.

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他们使用火箭炸弹袭击一个非武装村落。They have attacked an unarmed village with rocket bombs.

我们全力强调的是一名手无寸铁的黑人遭到了杀害。We dramatized the shooting down of an unarmed black man.

你不可能在徒手格斗中毫发无伤。You can't engage in unarmed combat without getting hurt.

小样儿的居然敢徒手来拨我的枪?The galley proof dares unarmed to dial my gun unexpectedly?

警官跨一步就把这个徒手的抢劫未遂者逮捕了。The unarmed would-be robber was arrested after a foot pursuit.

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是什么让毫无武器装备的示威者数月来都无视狙击兵和坦克?What makes unarmed protesters defy snipers and tanks for months?

徒手打斗和刺伤是最常见的类型。Unarmed brawling and stabbing were the most common types of violence.

这个赤手空拳的农民的儿子,居然成了当地一个小有名气的商人。The son of unarmed peasants, had become a well-known local businessman.