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一个挪威漫画角色。A Norwegian cartoon, Nemi.

他懂得一点挪威语。He knows a little Norwegian.

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官方语言是挪威语。The official language is Norwegian.

北海巨妖挪威传说中一种巨大的海怪…A huge sea monster in Norwegian legend.

第二天,挪威人也到了卑尔根。The next day, the Norwegian made it to Bergen.

挪威鲭鱼的捕捞配额快用完了。The Norwegian mackerel quota will soon be over.

挪威著名的前菜,口感爽滑,丰富。Norwegian famous appetizer, rich and smooth taste.

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据估计挪威人口有四百六十万。The Norwegian estimated population is 4.6 million.

挪威猎麋犬是一种勇敢的灰色猎犬。The Norwegian Elkhound is a hardy gray hunting dog.

和平奖由挪威议会颁发。The prize for peace issues by Norwegian Parliament.

挪威,特拉法加广场,明亮耀眼的圣诞树。Norwegian Christmas tree lights up Trafalgar Square.

挪威警方也在昨日第二次讯问布雷维克。Norwegian police are questioning Brevik second yesterday.

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很快,全世界的挪威语用户就可以用Facebook进行沟通了。The world's Norwegian speakers will soon get their chance.

四年前,他加入了挪威互济会。Four years ago, he joined the Norwegian Order of Freemasons.

对于犯罪嫌疑人的作案动机,挪威警方有什么解释?For suspect the motive, what the Norwegian police to explain?

挪威议会挪威议会,目前有169个议员。The Norwegian parliament, Stortinget, currently has 169 members.

当挪威人卡路为里昂效力的时候,2006年两人在摩纳哥相遇。They met in Monaco in 2006, when Norwegian Carew played for Lyon.

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为了不让更多的挪威人来为他冒生命危险,他甚至还试图自杀。Tired of risking more Norwegian lives, he also attempted suicide.

我们已经与他的俱乐部达成了一致。We already have an agreement with the Norwegian club Fredrikstad.

警察已指控一个32岁的挪威男子参与了这两次爆炸和枪击的袭击。Police have charged a 32-year-old Norwegian man over both attacks.