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她脸色一阵苍白。A paleness overspread her face.

她的脸上布满了皱纹。Wrinkles have overspread her face.

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天空布满了云。The sky was overspread with clouds.

他脸上堆满奸笑。A malicious smile overspread his face.

这些墙壁上涂满了灰泥。The walls are overspread with plaster.

赤热的熔岩布满山腰。The hot lava overspread the mountainside.

城市上空罩上了一层烟雾。The sky over the city was overspread with a heavy smog.

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你我的盛会蔓延到天际。The great pageant of thee and me has overspread the sky.

你我组成的伟丽的行列,布满了天空。The great pageant of thee and me has overspread the sky.

奢侈会蔓延整块陆地,通奸不会被制止,使人类堕落。Luxury shall overspread the land, and fornication shall not cease to debauch mankind.

那位有病的夫人抬起眼睛望他的时候,脸上片刻间泛起了由于微感惊讶而产生的红晕。transient flush of faint surprise overspread the sick lady's face as she raised her eyes towards him.

那位有病的夫人抬起眼睛望他的时候,脸上片刻间泛起了由于微感惊讶而产生的红晕。A transient flush of faint surprise overspread the sick lady's face as she raised her eyes towards him.

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与此同时,市场信任危机的蔓延正威胁着中国证券市场的制度基础。At the same time, overspread of trust crisis now is threatening institutional foundation of stock market.

从而电影史上最大规模的影业制度改造发生了,并蔓延到整个电影体制内。Accordingly the most radical film system reconstruction took place and then overspread to the whole field.

现在广东制造业仍存在着扩展空间,经济扩张的弹性强。Now Guangdong manufacturing still has good elasticity of economic extension and great space to overspread.

溢出多馀的填料可用湿布除去,一般情况填料于乾固十五分钟后可作施工砂磨。Overspread can be removed with a damp cloth, and the filler is usually dry enough for sanding in 15 minutes.

或圆点,或方块,或并列,或交织,原来床被罩的图案也可以是这样。Or dot, or diamonds, or paratactic , or interweave, the design that former bed is overspread also can be such.

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这无疑给他艺术生涯铺满了一条艰难曲折而又前途光明灿烂的大道。This gave him the career of art to overspread one without doubt difficult and the future bright bright main road.

她喊道,四边的喧闹声、笑声、喝彩声越来越高,渐渐响遍了跑马场。She cried amid a redoubled uproar of laughter and bravoes , which little by little overspread the whole Hippodrome.

三月份,在墨西哥开始爆发的猪流感在短期时间内蔓延到全球,其严重程度让人们谈虎色变。H1N1 was erupt in Mexico at March and soon overspread all over the world, ervery country and ervery people are scared of it.