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表现主义是戏剧的主要流派之一。Expressionism is one of the branches of drama.

野兽派也可以被看作是一个模式的表现。Fauvism can also be seen as a mode of Expressionism.

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今晚布莱恩教授有一个关于表现主义的讲座。Professor Bryer will be giving a lecture on expressionism tonight.

表现主义绘画是现代艺术史上的重要一页。Expressionism painting is an important chapter in modern art history.

他憎恶表现主义和现代派艺术,提倡现实主义。Luld cs loathes expressionism and modernist art, but advocates realism.

杰克逊波洛克帮助创建称为抽象表现主义艺术运动。Jackson Pollock helped create the art movement called Abstract Expressionism.

他的作品对后来的“野兽派”和“表现派”影响重大。His works had a far-reaching influence on the subsequent Fauvism and Expressionism.

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抽象表现主义是通过非呈现性方式表达情感和思想的艺术。Expressionism is art that shows emotions and ideas through non-representational forms.

该作品体现了表现主义的特征,就从表现主义中的荒诞与真实两个方面对这部作品进行了解读。This paper is intended to make a study of truth and absurdity of expressionism in Castle.

赵海艺术的综合迹象能让我们有缘领会所谓表现主义的内在骨骼。The overall impresssion on Zhao Hai's art illustrates the core meaning of the expressionism.

在他全部的艺术生涯中,他始终与北欧或德国表现主义有密切的联系。In all of his artistic career, he always Scandinavian or German Expressionism are closely linked.

首先,从宏观上探讨了表现主义与新表现主义油画创作之“同”。The first theme is about the common things shared by the expressionism and the neo-expressionism.

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表现主义作为一种文学运动出现在德国兴盛于欧洲,并很快销声匿迹。As a literature movement, expressionism budded in Germany, flourished in Europe but very soon vanished.

布莱希特提倡用新的技巧表现现实,这就给表现主义留有余地。Berlot Brecht advocated use the new skill performance reality, this gave the Expressionism to be conservative.

第二章主要探讨表现主义在俄罗斯文学中产生的原因及其影响。Chapter II mainly discusses the causes of expressionism 's appearance in Russian literature and its influence.

表现主义和抽象派诞生于世纪交替的社会变革环境之下。The expressionism and abstractionism are born in the turn of the century changes in society environment under.

想一想各个艺术运动,从印象派和表现主义到超现实主义和极简主义。Think about the different movements of art, from Impressionism and Expressionism to Surrealism and Minimalism.

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抽象表现主义就是这样一种通过非具象的形式表达感情和想法的艺术。Expressionism is art that shows emotions and ideas through non-representational-forms non-representational forms.

许江的艺术成就代表了表现主义艺术在中国艺术界的最新成果。Xu Jiang's artistic achievements represent the latest achievements of expressionism in the Chinese art world today.

可以看到,克罗齐美学思想对中国与西方都产生了深远的影响,具有现实的当代意义。Expressionism esthetics theory of Croce has affected in the west and in China. The theory has important meanings today.