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他是否耐心?Is he impatient?

你是急性子吗?Are you impatient?

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你太性急了。You are impatient.

我倒真想见见他。I am impatient to see him.

您是性子急的人吗?Are you an impatient person?

他太急于求成。He was too impatient for success.

因为年轻人往往没有耐心Youth are supposed to be impatient.

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读者们,都是又忙又不耐烦的。Your readers are busy and impatient.

他等得心急了。He was impatient of all this waiting.

对孩子们不能心急。Don't be impatient with your children.

他一定是急不可耐地要回家。He must be impatient to get back home.

科幻作家和他迫切等待的书迷。A fantasy author and his impatient fans.

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丢失的孩子归心似箭。The lost child is impatient to come back.

诚然,有许多时候我们顶容易不耐神的迟延。We easily grow impatient of God's delays.

这主要是因为他太没有耐心的缘故。It is chiefly because he is too impatient.

这位不耐烦的老师掌击了学生。The impatient teacher slapped the student.

你为什么是这么暴和没有耐心?Why are you always so short and impatient?

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为什么说凤仙花“急不可待”?Why might balsam be described as impatient?

他们对她离题的话显得有点不耐烦。They are a little impatient at her digression.

不耐烦的司机们在按喇叭发嘟嘟声。The impatient drivers were beeping their horns.