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在最后对决中,我还是不看好克罗地亚人。And in the final, I’m not going with the Croat just yet.

在仅仅只有17岁的时候,这个年轻的克罗地亚人就是萨各勒布迪纳摩的队长了。At the age of just 17 the young Croat was captain of Dinamo Zagreb.

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但这不妨碍他跟镇上的克族少年打招呼。But it does not stop him from saying hello to Croat teens he sees around town.

一些克罗地亚士兵直接向德军投降,另外一些人逃跑了。Some of its Croat soldiers openly defected to the Germans, and others deserted en masse.

我来到了昔日的前线,它把城市分成了穆斯林部分和克罗地亚被包围部分。I emerged onto the former frontline, which divides the town into Muslim and Croat enclaves.

但是不论政治情况如何,这个克族女孩乐观地相信斯托拉茨总有一天会改变。But regardless of the politics, the Croat girl said she is optimistic Stolac will one day change.

“说老实话连续三个星期没有比赛可打非常难以让人忍受。”克罗地亚人说。"It is in all honesty very difficult to find consistency when you haven't played in three months, " said the Croat.

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我分辨不出他们谁是波西尼亚人,谁是克罗地亚人或塞族人,但我肯定他们每个人都有自己的故事。I couldn't tell whether they were Bosnian, Croat or Serb – but I was sure they would all have their own tales to tell.

9月8日以后取得了领先,他刚按下最后一次和克长手为美国赢得了密封。After securing a 9-8 lead, he just had to press the Croat one last time and a long forehand sealed the win for the American.

接着,1993年,在波斯尼亚内战期间,克罗地亚分离主义者发射的一枚迫击炮弹在她的建筑物的院子内爆炸。Then in 1993, during the Bosnian civil war, a mortar shell fired by Croat separatists exploded in the courtyard of her building.

这是克族代理校长与学校非正式的波族领导人之间的第一次正式会见。It was the first formal meeting between the Croat acting principal and the unofficial leader of the Bosniak branch of the school.

Milinovic说,“我们不会在压力下改变这项法律,并且我们将保留这份委托以保护克罗埃西亚市民的健康。”"We are not changing the law under pressure and we remain committed to preserving the health of Croat citizens, " Milinovic said.

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在一名波斯尼亚的克族人被宣告未犯有大屠杀罪后,黛儿•庞特女士的同事们发现,至关重要的证据被修改了。After one Bosnian Croat was acquitted of a massacre, Ms Del Ponte's colleagues discovered that crucial evidence had been doctored.

在战争以在1995年达成代顿协议而告终时,波黑便由塞族共和国和波黑联邦两个实体组成。When the war ended in the 1995 Dayton agreement, Bosnia was divided into two entities, the Republika Srpska and the Bosniak- Croat federation.

自放弃克罗地亚前锋达沃-苏克以来,温格一直不愿签署任何超过26岁的球员,现在曼市领队埃里克森追求同样的政策。Wenger has been reluctant to sign anyone over the age of 26 since Croat striker Davor Suker flopped at Arsenal and City boss Eriksson is pursuing the same policy.

当卢卡·莫德里奇开始踢球的时候,人们就说,这个瘦小的克罗地亚人必须用戴着木质的护腿板踢球,这样才不至于被这项美丽运动中的暴力伤害。When Luka Modric started playing football, it has been claimed that the little Croat had to play with wooden shin pads to protect him from the hustle and bustle of the beautiful game.