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废品商。Junk dealer.

少读垃圾资料。Read less junk.

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垃圾食品怎么样?What about junk food?

垃圾、废物。原意是“破烂货”。His writing is all junk.

那间屋子里满是破烂儿。The room is full of junk.

我不能把我的名声毁在那种烂货上。I can't put my name on junk.

应就垃圾食品的消费征税。THW tax junk food consumption.

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检查浮鞋内有无落物。Check for junk inside shoe joint.

你没有读过他们的邮寄宣传单吗?Haven't you read their junk mail?

旧货市场已不再受欢迎了。Junk market is no longer popular.

不要把垃圾食物在你的书桌上。Don't keep junk food at your desk.

我得说我的车就是一堆破烂儿。I'd say my car is a piece of junk.

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只吃垃圾食品和油炸食物。Only eat junk food and fried food.

删除邮件链接和垃圾邮件。Delete chaine-mails and junk email.

那一大块肉把我撑得饱饱的。I'm fed up with that piece of junk.

不如多扔些破铜烂铁。Better throw in more junk and scrap.

卡特伦没有固定的毒品关系网。Catron has no fixed junk connection.

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垃圾邮件遍布互联网。Junk mail proliferates the Internet.

我在大学器学的都是废物。All I have learnt in college is junk.

这台老电脑纯正就是一堆渣滓。This old computer is just plain junk.