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蒸渗仪受自身因素影响,变化比较敏感。The results of lysimeter were sensitively affected by its own factors.

本文介绍了用两种不同规格的微型蒸发器测定麦田和裸地土面蒸发强度的方法,并对实测结果进行了对比分析。The method for measuring the soil evaporation from wheat field and bare soil surface by means of two types of micro lysimeter is described.

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介绍了蒸渗仪新型秤重机构的测量原理和测控系统的功能。Also, it describes the measuring principle and functions of measuring and controlling system weighing mechanism of the new type of lysimeter.

添加厌氧消化污泥不仅能够明显增加填埋气体的总量和产气速率,还能够大大增加其气体中甲烷的含量。Adding sewage sludge in lysimeter can not only markedly increase LFG production and generation rate, but also extremely enhance methane content.

对地中蒸渗计与自然潜水水分运移机理存在的差异及误差进行了分析。The paper analyzed the difference and the error of trans-mechanism of moisture between the lysimeter and the natural unconfined groundwater system.

采用蒸渗仪控制试验,研究了调亏灌溉对烤烟生长发育及耗水特性的影响。The lysimeter experiment was performed for study of effect of regulated deficit irrigation on the growth and water consumption of flue-cured tobacco.

波文比的计算值比蒸渗仪的测量值更能精确地反应短时段作物的蒸发蒸腾规律。The calculated value of Bowen ratio was more accurate than the measured value of lysimeter in describing the evapotranspiration rule of crops in short period.

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对地中蒸渗计与自然潜水水分运移机理存在的差异及误差进行了分析。The result shows that the water table dynamic, the moisture storage, the moisture transport and so on exist some different in the lysimeter and in the natural condition.

介绍利用高精度传感器制做电子蒸渗计,监测土壤水分及实际应用原理,测量精密度检验方法。The method of measuring soil moisture using Lysimeter made of high accuracy sensor and the principle of application are introduced. The accuracy examination is also performed.

通过城市生活垃圾的填埋降解模拟实验,研究了不同温度、不同垃圾成份对垃圾降解及填埋气产生过程的影响。Waste decomposition and landfill gas generation process under different composition and temperature conditions was investigated by a landfill lysimeter of municipal solid waste.