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一千法郎,先生。One thousand francs, monsieur.

请问马吕斯先生在吗?Monsieur Marius, if you please.

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把他放了,加伯尔先生!Put him aside, Monsieur Gabelle!

要我陪您吗,先生,?Shall I accompany you, monsieur?

您记得这些吗,马吕斯先生?Do you remember, Monsieur Marius?

我请市长先生原谅。I beg Monsieur le Maire's pardon.

市长先生到什么地方去呢?Where is Monsieur le Maire going?

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是啊,我的好古费拉克先生。Yes, my good Monsieur Courfeyrac.

哦,呃,先生对不起,呃,夫人。Oh, euh pardon Monsieur euh Madame.

您不认识我吗,海嘴先生?Don't you know me, Monsieur Guelemer?

“呸!滚开!”加伯尔先生说。"Bah! Go aside! " said Monsieur Gabelle.

这儿有一封信是给您的,马吕斯先生。Here is a letter for you, Monsieur Marius.

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谢谢你’集市先生’,我在这儿住的很习惯。No exotics here, thank you Monsieur le Maire.

冉阿让对她始终是市长先生。Jean Valjean was still Monsieur le Maire to her.

“每一滴都喝光了,雅克,”德伐日先生回答。Every drop, Jacques, ' answered Monsieur Defarge.

孟岱尔先生,瑞士的情况好吗?Monsieur Mendel . How are things in Switzerland ?

您跟得我太近了,马吕斯先生。You are following me too closely, Monsieur Marius.

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我'这就像他的两个流氓和凡尔杜先生。It's like he's both the Tramp and Monsieur Verdoux.

迪瓦尔先生坐上马车走了。Monsieur Duval got into his carriage and drove off.

阿麦尔先生从椅子上站了起来,面色十分苍白。Monsieur Hamel rose, pale as death, from his chair.