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这是一个标准的QWERTY虚拟键盘。It’s a standard virtual QWERTY keyboard.

这台计算机有标准的英文键盘。The computer has a normal qwerty keyboard.

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今天我去商店想找一只全键盘手机。Today, I went shopping for a new phone with a full Qwerty keyset.

它还有滑出式全键盘,但显然对这点,人们看法不一。It also has a slide-out Qwerty keyboard, which is sure to divide opinion.

黑莓9800同时拥有触摸屏和滑出式的标准英文键盘。The BlackBerry 9800 has both a touchscreen and a slide-out qwerty keyboard.

如今,黑莓的手机拥有全键盘摄像头以及触摸屏。They now have cameras, full Web browsers, qwerty keyboards and touch-screens.

机身采用滑盖式设计,把萤幕推上就会出现内置的QWERTY键盘。Body slide-up design, the screen onto the built-in QWERTY keyboard will appear.

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除了游戏手柄、按钮和游戏杆之外,它还有一个标准打字机键盘。In addition to a D-pad, buttons and analog joysticks, there's a full QWERTY keyboard.

除了游戏手柄、按钮和游戏杆之外,它还有一个标准打字机键盘。In addition to a D-pad, buttons and analog joysticks, there’s a full QWERTY keyboard.

QWERTY键盘实际上是非常有用并具有触感柔软的橡胶完成。The QWERTY keyboard is actually pretty usable and has a soft-touch rubberized finish.

这个视频并没有想像中的好,因为它过多的聚焦于这块QWERTY全键盘了。And the video was not too good as it focused too much on the portrait QWERTY keyboard.

路透社说,将在9月14展示的E7手机是一款全键盘触摸屏手机,但是没有透露跟多的细节,可能是Symbian^3系统滑盖手机。The E7, a touchscreen QWERTY model, is said by Reuters to be at the September 14 show.

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这款手机带有3.2英寸的触摸屏,滑出后可以露出按键完整的标准键盘。The handset has a 3.2-inch touch screen that slides up to reveal a full QWERTY keyboard.

过去在相当长的时间里,这个符号是所有打字机传统键盘上标准的字符。This sign was one of the standard characters on all typewriters' QWERTY keyboards for a long time.

在地平线上,你可以作出了巨大的计算机山里河键盘温泉。On the horizon you can just make out the giant Computer Mountains where the river of Qwerty springs.

每支队伍由两名选手组成——一位使用普通的数字键盘,另一位使用标准QWERTY键盘。Each team consisted of two competitors — one who specialized in numeric keypads, the other in QWERTY.

它配备了全键盘,以及业界领先的电子邮件和通讯能力。It is equipped with a full QWERTY keyboard as well as industry-leading email and messaging capabilities.

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这款褒贬不一的手机拥有一块3.2英寸的触摸屏,标准英文键盘和可自由定制的主题。The device, which gathered , has a 3.2-inch touch display, QWERTY keyboard and fully customizablehomescreen.

这款手机首次采用搜索引擎巨头GOOGLE研发的操作系统,配有触摸屏和全键盘。The first device to run the search giant's operating system will feature a touch screen as well as a Qwerty keyboard.

使用美式键盘的人爱用“QWERTY”作密码,而使用欧式键盘的人则青睐于使用“AZERTY”。For those using English keyboards, "QWERTY", was popular. Likewise, "AZERTY" scored with people with European keyboards.