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我一直在想这件事呢。I'd been wondering.

那使我觉得惊奇。That set me wondering.

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我想知道简在不在?I was wondering if Jane is in?

我也正琢磨呢。I am also wondering about that.

我还在想你去哪儿了呢。I was wondering where you went.

这次经历让我很疑惑。The experience got me wondering.

我疑惑地走开了——为什么要等?I walked away wondering --- Why wait?

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爱,使你惊奇不已。Love keeps you continually wondering.

因此,他迟疑不决,不知怎么去做才好。So he hesitated, wondering what to do.

我想知道为什么他们都向上看。I am wondering why they are looking up.

我在想你是否愿意赏光陪我跳支舞?I was wondering if you'd like to dance?

我想知道你说不说英语。I'm wondering if you can speak English.

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我怀疑他是否能得到升职。I'm wondering isf he would be promoted.

我想知道你是怎么看待这个问题的?I was wondering how you feel about that?

我在想关于牛的肢解。I was wondering about cattle mutilations.

我不知道下站是哪儿。I was wondering what the next station is.

算一算,你是否应该逃课?Wondering if you should skip class today?

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他猜测渊嘉利的行踪。He is wondering of Yeongaryo's whereabout.

我是飘泊的狐身。I am a lonely fox wondering solely around.

我呢,一直也害怕小仙儿会记恨我。I was wondering if Xiaoxian would hate me.