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我是说,我总想起汤玛斯?沃尔夫说的。I mean, I always think of Thomas Wolfe.

沃尔夫满腔热忱地迎接新生活。Wolfe embraced his new life with gusto.

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Wolfe暗示我们现在看到的也许是昏倒的现代演绎版本。Mr. Wolfe suggested that what we are seeing may be the modern equivalent of swooning.

但第一,沃尔夫必须找出如何解决称呼这一对—创造了雅培-科斯特洛的例行公事。But first, Wolfe had to figure out how to address that pair without creating an Abbott-Costello routine.

当问及如何定义公民权的概念时,肖恩德·沃尔夫说那就是不被警察骚扰的权利。When asked to define citizenship, Shonda Wolfe said it meant the right not to be harassed by the police.

以自然解压的方式咀嚼你吃的菜,这样可以释放4倍多的血清素。Chewing your vegetables in a natural de-stressor. It releases four times more serotonin says David Wolfe.

这块粉嫩细腻的全层皮将会让患者身心愉悦,术后几周内就能恢复,并且产生极佳的外科整容效果。A nice pink Wolfe graft brings joy to the heart and heals with excellent cosmetic effect in just a few weeks.

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汤姆沃尔夫曾经说过,你只知道你是在一个新的城市时,你开始看到。Tom Wolfe once observed that you only knew you were in a new town when you began to see a new set of 7-Elevens.

“如果你破坏了激素水平和周期,便很容易的影响到女性生育,”沃尔夫说。“If you disrupt the hormone levels and the timing, it’s very easy to disrupt fertility in females,” Wolfe says.

Wolfe博士预估,不久后他就可以完成一种装置,利用先进的基因分析侦测出未知的疾病。Dr Wolfe thinks he will soon have a device that will identify an unknown bug by using advanced genetic analysis.

她甚至在枕头边放一张”他“的照片,随身携带它多余的螺母跟螺栓来近距离感受”他“。Wolfe even sleeps with a picture of the ride on her ceiling and carries its spare nuts and bolts around to feel closer to it.

与其说亨德森提及的是“十”本书,不如说是二百本,其中包括莎士比亚,托马斯·乌尔夫和奥斯卡·王尔德的全集。The “ten” books that Henderson had mentioned were more like 200. including the complete works of Shakespeare, Thomas Wolfe and Oscar Wilde.

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乌尔芙形容他是个“闻到浓浓的血腥味的鲨鱼,”但科克兰不喜欢自己被当做只会出拳的“一根筋”。Wolfe likes to call him "a shark in water filled with blood, " but Kirkland doesn't like the notion of himself as a one-dimensional fighter.

在彼林斯雷第三次中风之后,他决定交出大部分的训练工作,于是他选择了乌尔芙。Ailing after his third stroke, Billingsley decided it was time to hand over the majority of his duties to another trainer. He selected Wolfe.

戴维生先生记录了他们的话语。亚特·沃尔夫和约翰·艾萨克为他们拍了照。名为塞拉俱乐部的组织出版了这本书。Mr. Davidson recorded their words. Art Wolfe and John Isaac took pictures of them. The organization called the Sierra Club published the book.

萨丕尔一沃尔夫假说是上个世纪语言学上具有重大意义的理论,该理论的核心就是语言决定思维。Sapir Wolfe hypothesis is a theory which had a great significance in Linguistics of last century, and its core is that language decides thinking.

过了几天,Wolfe太太回忆说,校长召她到学校,在她面前摆了一盒面巾纸,播放给她看了可以明显地看出billy的话是真实的的录像。Days later, Ms. Wolfe recalls, the principal summoned her, presented a box of tissues, and played the bus video that clearly showed Billy was telling the truth.

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1878年,玛格丽特•沃尔夫•汉格斐德撰写“情人眼里出西施”时,她写道,人们对美没有一致的观点。In 1878 when Margaret Wolfe Hungerford wrote "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder", she argued that individual opinions varied about what accounted for beauty.

曼联的表现值得领先,但是博尔顿下半时开始了疯狂的反扑,他们似乎还不满足于沃尔夫利用右侧任意球扳平比分。United had the lead they deserved, but Bolton's barnstorming start to the second period yielded no more than they deserved as Wolfe equalised from a right-wing free-kick.

直到1884年城市建筑师贺瑞斯。琼斯与约翰乌尔夫。巴里合作完成的方案成功入选,解决了设计的问题。However, it wasn't until October 1884 that Horace Jones, the City Architect, in collaboration with John Wolfe Barry, offered the chosen design for Tower Bridge as a solution.