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这个用户喜欢西兰公国。For the Principality of Sealand!

也就是法国的滨海阿尔卑斯山省,范围涵盖摩纳哥公国。Is the coastal provinces, the French Alps range in the principality.

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俄罗斯作为俄国公国在12世纪建立的。Russia was founded in the 12th century as the Principality of Muscovy.

今年上榜的富豪来自52个国家和1个公国。The latest list includes citizens of 52 countries and one principality.

当时,周是所有诸侯的最高权力统领。Zhou was then the most powerful principality playing the role of hegemonic.

这个公国在16世纪成为了奥斯曼帝国的附属国。The principality became tributary to the Ottoman Empire during 16th century.

俄国的昔日公国,位于现苏联欧洲部分的中西部。A former principality of Russia in present-day west-central European U. S. S. R.

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1929年,在摩纳哥公国街道上赛车显得有些滑稽。In 1929, racing cars through the streets of the principality only seemed ludicrous.

曾经光荣的英雄们和伟大的王公们都一去不返了。The hour of new heroes has come, when the throne of the Grand Principality became empty.

所以,正如我说过的,在一个新的国家里一位新的君主常常在那里整军经武。Therefore, as I have said, a new prince in a new principality has always distributed arms.

在此之后,克里木汗国才意识到莫斯科公国是其最大的威胁。After that, the Crimean Khanate was aware of the Moscow principality is the biggest threat.

建于1095年,在1521年被莫斯科公国吞并之前是一个独立公国的首府。Founded in 1095, it was the capital of an independent principality until it was annexed by Moscow in 1521.

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延续时间最长的分离主义微型国家为西澳大利亚的哈特河省公国。The longest-running secessionist micronation is the Hutt River Province Principality in Western Australia.

他们佩带锁子甲和剑,这些骑士是最佳的步兵。Vassal knights who owe service to the Principality of Antioch, equipped with sword and wearing mail armour.

正如他车队的领跑人一样,巴西人需要在摩纳哥排位赛的撞车之后做一些补偿。Like his team leader, the Brazilian has some amends to make after crashing in qualifying in the Principality.

阿杜没能打动葡萄牙的教练,但是现在在法国有了一个重新开始的机会。Adu failed to impress the staff in Portugal, but now has the chance of a fresh start in the French principality.

以下是在互联网找到,仅有的有关西兰公国的影像节目,希望大家喜欢。Below are all videos I can found from the internet about the Principality of Sealand. I hope you will enjoy them.

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为你自己取得西兰勋爵或西兰男爵的称号吧!Get yourself an official Noble Title from the Principality of Sealand and become a Lord, Lady, Baron or Baroness!

安条克骑士是为国家效命沙场的封邑贵族,装备骑枪、长剑和重型链甲。Vassal knights who owe service to the Principality of Antioch, equipped with lance, sword and wearing mail armour.

埃塞俄比亚的皇太子享有一个公国,他给别的臣民作出了仁爱和顺从的榜样。The heir to the empire of Ethiopia enjoys a principality and gives to other subjects an example of love and obedience.