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萨克斯演奏者朱利安•史密斯获季军。Saxophonist Julian Smith came in third place.

那位萨克斯管吹奏员在乐队中兼作鼓手。The saxophonist doubled the drum in the band.

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法兰克受雇担任乐队的萨克士管吹奏员。Frank hired out as a saxophonist with a dance band.

这就是查克·曼卓林,和他的萨克斯手一起演出的一段华彩乐章So here's Chuck Mangione with his saxophonist and a saxophone cadenza.

我要用有限的生命去演奏无限的音乐!Saxophonist Taimur Sullivan performing Carnival of Venice with concert band.

在2001年,她研究了世界著名的萨克斯大卫利伯曼在纽约举行。In 2001, she studied with the world famous saxophonist David Liebman in New York.

美国爵士乐萨克斯风管演奏家,改良咆哮乐和爵士摇滚运动的主要人物。American jazz saxophonist who was a leading figure in the hard bop and jazz rock movements.

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当掘金请出萨克斯演奏者演奏国歌时,我就知道一切都已经结束了。I knew it was over when the Nuggets brought out the saxophonist to play the national anthem.

其他嘉宾包括声乐艾莉森克劳斯和芮妮菲林明,小号手克里斯伯堤和萨克斯手约书亚瑞德曼。Other guests include vocalists Alison Krauss and Renee Fleming, trumpeter Chris Botti and saxophonist Joshua Redman.

一些保罗在过去几年曾为其创作过音乐的艺术家们也出现在了他的新专辑上,这其中就有萨克斯吹奏者理查德·艾略特。A few of the many artists he's produced over the years appear on his new album, including saxophonist Richard Elliot.

萨克斯演奏家戴夫考兹庆祝什么是他最擅长做音乐,20周年,他首次做记录。Saxophonist Dave Koz is celebrating the 20th anniversary of his recording debut by doing what he does best, making music.

1940年代晚期,直到成为狄吉·格拉兹比大乐团的中音萨克斯风手以前,柯川尝试过各种不同的工作。Coltrane worked at a variety of jobs in the late 1940s until he joined Dizzy Gillespie's big band in 1949 as an alto saxophonist.

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在专辑德埃德埃布里奇沃特唱着爵士乐标准,“你是我的,”一旦记录比利假日与萨克斯演奏家莱斯特年轻。On the album Dee Dee Bridgewater sings the jazz standard, "All Of Me, " once recorded by Billie Holiday with saxophonist Lester Young.

北京自由即兴同盟是一个以自由即兴音乐为主,兼实验摇滚、先锋爵士的音乐联盟。The "Beijing free improvisation alliance" is initiated and organized by the saxophonist Li Tie Qiao who returned to Beijing after living two years in Norway.

美国中音萨克斯手,他与夏佳等乐手组建的北京红手爵士乐队,被爵士乐迷称为目前北京最好的爵士乐队,同时他好参与北京许多其他乐队。He is a saxophonist and improviser from the U. S. midwest who currently resides in Beijing, where he performs with Red Hand jazz group, among other jazz and improvisatory outfits.

此后,作为马萨诸塞大学艺术系的学生,奎斯参加了由萨克斯演奏家阿奇·谢普领导的爵士乐研讨班,并在伯克利音乐学院夏季课程班学习。Later, as an art and music major at the University of Massachusetts, Chris participated in jazz workshops with saxophonist Archie Shepp and in a summer session at the Berklee College of Music.