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您的记忆力如何?How’s your memory?

这一切都是肌肉记忆It's muscle memory.

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记忆体有可能满了。Memory might be full.

别为自己的记忆增加负担。Don't tax your memory.

我只依赖这记忆存在。I iust rely on memory.

此内存是共享的。This memory is shared.

是嗳存在过啲记忆。Yur love is my memory.

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我的记性很差。I have an awful memory.

短期失忆症。Short-term memory loss.

超大规模内存?。VLM? Very Large Memory?

下载内存注册机。Download memory Fillmore.

实现内存窗。Implement Memory Windows.

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它们在这个内存中。They live in this memory.

或者“怎么才能把记忆框起来?”How do you frame a memory?

我的记性很差。I have a very poor memory.

这是没用的能量。That is a waste of memory.

他因年老而记忆模糊。Age has clouded his memory.

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相对内存空间而言。Contrast with memory space.

磁盘、磁鼓或磁带存储器。Disk, drum, or tape memory.

他生来记性好。He has an excellent memory.