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更高的熔点。Higher melting point.

融化的雪使湖水盈盈。Melting snow keeps it full.

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熔化甜在你的芒斯。Melting sweet in your mounth.

这里是水的熔点。That's the melting point of water.

格陵兰岛冰融比…Greenland melting faster than expected.

南草坪上的白雪正在融化。The snow was melting on the South Lawn.

他认为硅的熔点非常高。He says it will have a high melting point.

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这里就像一个大熔炉,装下了一切的一切。It's like a big melting pot of everything.

他说,冰的融化,或许因为他的过错。The melting ice, he says, may be his fault.

北极圈冰层因著全球暖化正在融化中。Global warming is melting the Arctic ice-cap.

冰在溶化时,其温度保持不变。Ice keeps the same temperature while melting.

我的第一个熔炼时刻似乎是很久以前。y first melting moment seems a long time ago.

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采用差示扫描量热仪研究了合金的熔化特性。Melting property of alloys was studied by DSC.

科学工作者说北极的冰冠正在融化。Scientists say that polar ice caps are melting.

你可以用融化的小冰块获得安全的水。You can obtain safe water by melting ice cubes.

它的熔点是204摄氏度。It's got a melting point of 204 degrees Celsius.

海冰融化会影响生态系统和水流。Melting sea ice affects ecosystems and currents.

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用于熔化固体的热叫做熔化热。Heat used to melt a solid is called melting heat.

草上粘满泥污,唯唯一的灰色小雪堆正在溶化。Muddy grass and tiny gray mounds of melting snow.

是因为食盐将水的熔点和冰点降低了。It lowers the melting and freezing point of water.