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然而,薛潘却不能将杰克复职。Chappelle, however, cannot reinstate Jack.

回来是完全必要的,是非常正确的。To reinstate our veteran comrades is necessary and correct.

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出于维护消费者的利益,我们必需重新修订高利贷的国家法律。We need to reinstate a national usury law for consumer interest.

现在还不清楚即将发布的补丁是否会修复这些成就记录资料。It is not yet clear whether the patch will reinstate or fix this trophy data.

帕默需要继续投入到竞选活动中去,他命令薛潘将杰克复职。Palmer, who needs to get back to the campaign, orders Chappelle to reinstate Jack to his position.

根据1590年2月25日签署的停战协定,瑞典人同意露西亚恢复亚姆、科波里耶和伊万格罗德。According to the armistice signed on 25 February, 1590, Swedes agreed to reinstate to Russia Yam, Koporye and Ivangorod.

由2008年至今,本馆并无进行任何形式的问卷调查,敬希垂注。CUHK Library would like to reinstate that there has been no survey on the Hong Kong Literature Database by the Library since 2008.

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如果稍后的测试中发现迁移中存在问题,那么恢复原来的应用服务器实例将会相对容易一些。If later testing suggests problems with the migration, it is then relatively easy to reinstate the old application server instance.

前项原因消失时,其当年之受奖资格亦不得恢复。Under the circumstances where the above mentioned situations are dissolved, applicant are not permitted to reinstate this scholarship.

不过法尔汗发现他无法解雇这个人,因为解雇他之后,它只需要行贿其他政府官员,很快就可以官复原职。But Mr. Farhang found that he was unable to fire the man, who, he said, simply bribed other members of the government to reinstate him.

巴基斯坦人民党和谢里夫的政党都同意恢复去年被穆沙拉夫罢免的巴基斯坦首席大法官的职务。The PPP and Mr. Sharif's party have agreed to reinstate the top layer of the country's judiciary which Mr. Musharraf removed last year.

维克告诉法官他对玩足球保持乐观,但是法官说不保证联盟会重新雇用他。Vick told the judge he's optimistic about playing pro football, but the judge said there is no guarantee the league will reinstate him.

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如果后面的测试显示移植并没有起作用,这时它就是恢复旧版应用程序的一个比较容易的途径。If later testing reveals that the migration did not work, it is then a relatively easy matter to reinstate the old version of the application.

洪都拉斯临时总统拒绝接受美洲国家的最后通牒,让刚刚被推翻的塞拉亚总统官复原职。The interim Honduran president has rejected an ultimatum from American governments to reinstate ousted leader Manuel Zelaya to the presidency.

这位美国服装零售商接受消费者的批评,宣布将回归其特有的蓝白标志。The American clothing retailer blamed a failure to consult its customers, and announced it would reinstate its distinctive white-on-blue marque.

麦克米伦的案子已经提交美国公民自由联盟,该组织已将学校告上法庭,试图恢复举办舞会的权利。Ms McMillen's case has been taken up by the American Civil Liberties Union, which has taken the school to court in an attempt to reinstate the prom.

遇战疯战争考验了绝地武士团,也使卢克接受了绝地宗师的衣钵,恢复了绝地委员会的职权。The Yuuzhan Vong War tested the Jedi Order, and ultimately forced Luke to adopt the mantle of Grand Master of the Jedi and reinstate the Jedi Council.

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生活一下子平静许多,时间逐渐恢复以往乏味。欣慰的是在短暂忙碌之后能抽上几根烟,这倒成了唯一的乐趣。Life suddenly calm many, time gradually reinstate the dull, gratifying that after the short busy can smoke a few cigarettes, which became the only fun.

上个月,州值行验尸官约翰-克劳利考斯基称格若斯在弥补性考核中的工作质量马虎,因此拒绝恢复格若斯的专业特权。Last month acting state medical examiner john krolikowski said gross'work in the remedial tests was shoddy and he refused to reinstate gross'privileges.

民进浙江省委会领导陈守义建议,在婚检的问题上应更进一步,恢复强制婚检。Chen Shouyi, leader of the Zhejiang unit of the China Association for Promoting Democracy, wants to go one step further and reinstate compulsory check-ups.