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葬礼意义重大Burial is very critical.

我认为那是最关键的。I think that's critical.

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情况紧急。The situation is critical.

这是关键性所在That is the critical thing.

什么是关键期?。What is the critical period?

我认为这是至关重要的。And I think this is critical.

提出有建设性的批判。Be critical but constructive.

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这就是自我批判的概念That is the critical concept.

危急的时期终于结束了。The critical period was over.

我们正处在一个关键的时刻。We are at a critical juncture.

这是个有争议的实验。Here is the critical experiment.

组错磁体的临界现象?。Do frustrated magnets go critical?

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那么这一关键环节是什么呢?So what is this one critical thing?

病人已朝不保夕。The patient's condition is critical.

,我们只是解出了一个临界点。We just solved for a critical point.

为什么临界值很重要呢?Why is the Critical value important?

教师可以成为学生的诤友。Teacher can become a critical friend.

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跳远的关键技术是助跑。The most critical part is the run-up.

在团体中的各位朋友人士也起着关键的作用。Networks of friends are also critical.

当时粮食奇缺。There was a critical shortage of food.