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我的女战士。My warrior woman.

荆轲是一名勇士。Jingke is a warrior.

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圣战士的玩法?A holy warrior play style?

真正的大侠决不放弃。A good warrior never quits.

你就是神龙大侠。You are the Dragon Warrior.

谁将成为神龙大侠?To become the Dragon Warrior?

像一个武士骑一匹俊马。Like a warrior riding a horse.

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我的女战士。My warrior woman. My valkyrie.

谁会成为“龙武士”呢?Who will be the Dragon Warrior?

美国文化并非是尚武文化。The US is not a warrior culture.

这个年轻人是个很英勇的武士。The young man is a bold warrior.

成为像斯蒂芬·库里一样的勇士!Be a warrior. Be like Steph Curry.

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你知道的,我原本应是“龙武士”。You knew I was the Dragon Warrior.

杰出的六百联盟英雄汉。Noble six hundred alliance Warrior.

传说讲的是一位传奇大侠。Legend tells of a legendary warrior.

巡洋战舰---永远的斗士。The battleship---a warrior all-time.

武士就到处去漫游。The warrior went to everywhere roam.

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现在你应该叫我大牛勇士。You ought to call me Warrior Daniel.

我是经过专门训练的换尿布专家!I was the ninja warrior of diapering!

她是伊渥克战士迪奇的妻子。She is the wife of Ewok warrior Deej.