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我们误以为如果配偶爱我们。We mistakenly assume that if our partners love us.

当然,我们错误地相信自己有自由意志Of course, we mistakenly believe we've got free will.

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货物装错了,你看怎么办?。Can you do anything about the goods shipped mistakenly?

你们可别误以为我是个“小财迷”!You Do not mistakenly think that I was a "little miser"!

将一个标本鑑定错误而归于一个特别的分类单元。To mistakenly attribute a specimen to a particular taxon.

人们经常把黄拉拉误称为金拉拉。Yellow Labradors are often mistakenly called "golden Labradors."

被误认为是实际上并不存在的所谓神密疾病所造成的。That is mistakenly attributed to a nonexistent mysterious disease.

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许多组织错误地认为SOA是一种集成策略。Many organizations mistakenly perceive SOA as an integration strategy.

换句话说,每个人都错误地认为自己没有偏见。In other words, everybody mistakenly believes that they are not prejudiced.

不喜欢这种方法的人会把它曲解为不守纪律。People who don't like this approach mistakenly suggest it is undisciplined.

误信某些SEO说的快速排名、快速提高权重。Mistakenly believed that some of the fast SEO ranking, rapid increase in weight.

美国人错误地将“重启”按钮的俄文标注写为“超负荷”。Mistakenly the Americans labelled the button in Russian not reset but “overload”.

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长期以来,心内直视手术被错误的归功于动物活体解剖实验。Open heart surgery long pre-dates the often mistakenly credited animal experiments.

这样对做好实验防止误测有着重要的意义。It plays an significant role in preventing the experiment from measuring mistakenly.

还有些妇女选择手术是因为她们错误地相信手术分娩的风险更小。Some women also prefer the operation because they mistakenly believe it is less risky.

与此同时,王子醒了过来,误以为是公主救了他。Meanwhile, the Prince wakes and mistakenly believes it is the Princess who rescued him.

例如,如果错误删除了表,那么作为管理员,您有两种选择。For example, if a table is mistakenly dropped, as an administrator you have two choices.

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如果误收没有填写日期的支票,可使用日期戳盖上日期。If any undated cheques are mistakenly accepted, the date stamp can be used to insert it.

我错误地从旅店酒吧后门走出,进入了一条荒芜黑暗的街道。I mistakenly went out the back door of the hotel bar onto a dark deserted Waikiki street.

这么做是为了让用户不会错误地将这些总数当成真实的业务数字。This is done to ensure users don't mistakenly view these totals as true business figures.