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l该封顶计划没有追溯力。The cap won't apply retroactively.

司特纳斯碎纸机完全摧毁了敏感数据,如果您需要,甚至还可以追回。The Steganos Shredder destroys sensitive data completely and, if desired, even retroactively.

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小派被回溯地列入15日伤兵名单中。他可望在星期六归队。LHP Andy Pettitte was retroactively placed on the 15-day DL. He is eligible to come off on Saturday.

撒切尔夫人首先对英国的国情进行了解,在此基础上到哈耶克和巴斯夏的理论中去求证。Mrs Thatcher started with a notion of Britain and only retroactively found it validated by Hayek and Bastiat.

足额补缴后可以享受退休人员的医疗保险待遇。After the full amount is paid retroactively , they shall be entitled to enjoy medical insurance treatments for the retirees.

他们与组装人员沟通,以对其需求进行预计并主动或根据反馈添加恰当的服务。They dialogue with the assemblers to anticipate their needs and add the appropriate services both retroactively and proactively.

救市会逆向改变游戏规则,会直接对那些成熟的海外投资者所遭受的风险给予补贴。It would change therules of the game retroactively and would directly subsidize the risks taken bysophisticated foreign investors.

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但最近这种致歉又格外冒险,彼时感到满意的顾客或读者此刻会愤愤不平。But the recent commercial apologies are especially risky. Some formerly satisfied customers or readers will be retroactively aggrieved.

显然有音乐行业的人们希望反过来,不再依靠销售唱片获利,而是让听歌的人订阅唱片。Apparently some people in the music business hope to retroactively convert it away from publishing, by getting listeners to pay for subscriptions.

在这四个使用睾酮贴片,而被确诊患有乳腺癌的女性中,有一位在使用贴片之前已经出现了癌症先兆。Of the four cases of breast cancer in women who wore the testosterone patch, one had symptoms reported retroactively as starting before the treatment.

遏止加息,除非客户延迟60天还款,否者禁止信用卡公司追溯现有结余的利息。Curb interest rate hikes by prohibiting credit card companies from retroactively jacking up rates on existing balances until the customer is 60 days behind on payments.

从我馆密集书库回溯建库工作的实践,提出图书馆应重视回溯建库工作。From the practice of the construction of the compact book stacks in our library, this paper has made the library should attach importance to work retroactively database.

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犯本决定规定之罪,依法被追缴、没收的财物和罚金,一律上缴国库。VIII. In case of offenses in violation of this decision, duly retroactively paid or confiscated property and fines shall be turned to the state coffers without any exception.

如果任何地方政府想要使用不符合现有规范的公共建筑,北京本可以要求地方政府对这些建筑进行补救性加固。If any local authority wanted to use public buildings that did not meet current codes, Beijing could have required local governments to retroactively strengthen those structures.

为期11天的盛会成功的举办了滑雪、速度滑冰、花样滑冰、冰球及雪车等比赛,后来被称为第一届冬季奥运会。This 11-day event, which included skiing, speed skating, figure skating, ice hockey and bobsledding, was a huge success and was retroactively called the first Olympic Winter Games.

假如我们现在将这个比例当著是我们的情怀,下一行的比例当著是这个作为「完整主体的我」的重覆,这种追溯既往的计算会形成它的结果,也就是人的情怀。If we now take this proportion as an image of what affect is, insofar as there is repetition of this ' I am one' on the next line, this retroactively results in what causes it—the affect.