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她长得丰腴但并不肥胖。She is chubby but not fat.

那婴儿的脸蛋儿圆圆胖胖。The baby has a chubby face.

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在沙发上的那只猫又圆又胖。The cat which on the sofa is chubby.

腹部浑圆但是胸部很棒?Got a chubby tummy but great breasts?

台湾小胖林育群看上去就像个胖胖圆圆的泰迪熊。Lin Chu Yung looks like a chubby teddy bear.

董浩叔叔总是胖胖的,像个孩子一样。Uncle Dong Hao was always chubby as a child.

我喜欢圣尼古拉斯,你可以践履这位胖乎乎的圣诞老人。I like St. Nicholas. You can keep chubby Santa.

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水手们常常称呼这些圆嘟嘟的小企鹅为“毛头小子”。Sailors used to call the chubby chicks oakum boys.

他胖乎乎的双臂搂住文森特的脖子。He had twined his chubby arms around Vincent's neck.

我还有一个浑圆的身体,短腿和又厚又软的皮毛。I have a chubby body, short legs and thick, soft fur.

看那个圆圆胖胖的脸蛋,看看你。Look at that little chubby -cheeked thing, look at you.

我8岁那年,爸爸带回家一匹叫查比的马。When I was eight, Dad brought home a horse named Chubby.

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不,别诱惑我。我开始发胖了,我得瘦下去。You are not really chubby. You are actually thin enough.

但是今天胖乎乎的圣诞老人不会给穷人孩子礼物。But today’s chubby Santa is not about giving to the poor.

十年以后,达力仍然是圆圆胖胖,有金色卷发。Ten years later, Dudley was still chubby and had blond curls.

十年以后,达力仍然是圆圆胖胖,有金色卷发。Ten years later, Dudley was still chubby and had blond curls.

十年以后,达力仍然是圆圆胖胖,有金色卷发。Ten years later, Dudley was still chubby and had blonde curls.

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小娃娃胖嘟嘟的脸儿上,笑起来还有俩酒窝呢。The baby shows two dimples on his chubby cheeks when he smiles.

两只胖乎乎的巴哥犬在地上嗅来嗅去。Two chubby Chinese pugs were sniffing here and there on the pavement.

注意照片中一只小胖手儿正朝甜点的方向抓来,嘿嘿。Attention! There is a chubby little hand reaching out for the dessert.