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从缅甸联邦形成的历史来看,其民族关系一直是非常复杂的。In the history of Myanmar, the ethnical relationship has always been very complicated.

婚俗是一种文化现象,它本身蕴涵了丰富的民族文化心理。Wedding custom is a cultural phenomenon, indicating rich ethnical cultural psychology.

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通过了一系列旨在保护少数族群权利的法规。A series of laws about the rights of protecting the minority ethnical groups were passed.

英语和华语在族际交流中发挥了越来越大的作用。The two languages are playing a more and more important role in the ethnical communication.

偏远山区少数民族人民的生活还有待改善。Great efforts are yet to be made to improve the life of ethnical populations in remote areas.

研究民族文化不能忽视民族语言的影响。We should pay attention to ethnical Language's influence when researching on ethnical culture.

在课程的改革中,充分考虑所有学生独特的族群特征。In the reforms of the course, consider the unique ethnical characteristics of all the students fully.

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环境法的单项立法应当充分体现民族地区的民族性。The single law of natural environment protection should disclose the ethnical nature of ethnic areas.

又受到佛教东渐和各周边民族风俗的直接影响。The dunhuang's burial customs is directly influenced by Buddhology and adjoining ethnical conversaion.

人类文化上的这些阶段的相对长度究竟是多少?这也是一个值得推敲的问题。What may have been the relative length of these ethnical periods is also a fair subject of speculation.

从此,人类里,没有了种族,没有了国界,也没有了沟通的阻碍。From then on, there had been no ethnical groups, national boundaries, and the obstacles of communication.

龙是超越民族、超越地域的图腾,也是中华民族的标志和象征。It is regarded as a totem transcending ethnical and regional boundaries, being the symbol of Chinese nation.

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本文是针对赵季平先生创作的电影音乐进行民族文化分析的论文。This is the thesis oriented to make an ethnical and cultural analysis of the cinematic music composed by Mr.

直到今天,中国与西方的服饰仍然本着各自传统的审美精神,打造各自的民族特色。Nowadays, costume of China and Occident are still creating ethnical character according to their own taste spirit.

云南酱民族地方特色鲜明,具有形美、香溢、色艳、味醇、咸鲜的特点。Yunnan sauce has local ethnical features, such as fine looking, bright color, savory, mellow, salty and delicious.

在严峻的民族战争形势下,路翎选择生命强力作为启蒙普通民众的捷径。Under the stern situation of ethnical war, he chose the strength of life as the shortcut of enlightening the common people.

由于独特的地理环境和族群迁徙,呈现出族群相互渗透、风俗互化的历史画卷。Because of the special geography and ethnical migration, Hezhou is historically ethnics integrated and habitude infiltrated.

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灭绝种族罪是指蓄意全部或局部消灭某一民族、人种、种族或宗教团体而实施的行为。Genocide refers to the acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical , racial or religious group.

壮族传统体育文化源远流长,内容丰富,富有民族特色和生活气息。With its ethnical features and living flavour, the traditional sports of Zhuang Nationality has a long history and abundant contents.

云南许多少数民族地区在经济发展过程中存在着与界鱼石现象非常类似的情况,使其难以摆脱贫穷落后的局面。Such Fish Border Stone phenomena are found in many ethnical minority areas in Yunnan and have prevented these areas to shake off poverty.